Centurion Conducts Effort on San Andres Island

Centurion Conducts Effort on San Andres Island

An evangelistic crusade on San Andres island.

A.H.RIFFEL, President, Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission

ON AUGUST 15, 1965, an evangelistic crusade, using the theme "Prepare to Meet Thy God," opened in the new church building on San Andres, one of the Colom­bian Islands. A. Dennis Laing, a centurion evangelist on loan from Kingston, Jamaica, presented forty-two doctrinal and Christ-centered sermons while conducting five nightly services a week during his two-month stay. Two languages—English and Spanish—are used by the island's approxi­mately 6,000 inhabitants, so each evening's message was translated into Spanish. I took time from my administrative duties to spend eleven days serving as Spanish trans­lator for the San Andres effort. Local work­ers participating in the campaign were R. T. Rankin, president of the Colombian Islands Mission; Jeddy Hooker, Jr., and Ar­thur Grayman, Bible instructors.

As a result of the preparatory work, con­sisting of signs posted, handbills distrib­uted, and local radio station announce­ments made, the public responded by filling the church nearly to capacity. The largest attendance was 400, and the average 250. Outstanding citizens and public au­thorities supported the meetings with their presence. A spirit of genuine revival was seen in the church, and many backsliders were reclaimed. During the second week 150 persons requested prayer and visita­tion. On October 3, eighteen persons were baptized by Pastor Laing. Forty-five others are keeping the Sabbath, and many more are attending baptismal classes.

Among the converts was the Olave fam­ily of five. Cesar Grau, a church school teacher, invited eighteen-year-old Etem­berto Olave and his family to attend the meetings. They did so, and eventually Etemberto made his decision to keep the Sabbath and to be baptized. When Pastor Laing visited the home he found the fam­ily interested in baptism, and at the con­clusion of a series of Bible studies, Mr. Olave said: "My eldest son has decided to be baptized. I too am decided, but I would like the entire family to be baptized so that all of us can become members of the same church and have the same belief." His wife, a Catholic, stated: "I agree with my hus­band, so we will be baptized." Mr. Olave, a building contractor, arranged his work so that he could keep the Sabbath; and thus this father and mother, with their three sons, became members of the first baptismal group.

Since Pastor Laing's departure, follow-up work is being done by R. T. Rankin, who is conducting three evening meetings a week; a fourth evening is devoted to a Bible research class. It is anticipated that an additional fifteen candidates will be bap­tized during the month of November. [This was written in October, 1965.]

The plan of making a centurion evange­list available to a sister union in the Inter-American Division is one that brings new life into the church, inspires our older workers, and trains our younger men in harmony with the counsel from the pen of inspiration which says: "Those who have gained an experience in active service are to take young, inexperienced workers with them into the harvest-field, teaching them how to labor successfully for the conver­sion of souls."—Gospel Workers, p. 101.

A.H.RIFFEL, President, Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission

March 1966

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