Winning Souls in Kenya and Uganda

Only as we make practical godliness our theme and personal labor for souls our burden will we become the type of soul winners Christ expects us to be.

R. E. DELAFIELD, Evangelist, East African Union

ONLY as we make practical godliness our theme and personal labor for souls our burden will we become the type of soul winners Christ expects us to be.

We are trying to follow Christ's methods out here in East Africa as we present true heart conversion in our preaching and per­sonal work. By doing this we feel sure He• will grant us success.

If, in connection with the theory of the truth, our ministers would dwell more upon practical godliness, speaking from a heart imbued with the spirit of truth, we should see many more souls flocking to the standard of . truth.--Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 375. (Italics supplied.)

We have seen this happen to a degree in our two efforts in Homa Bay and Kisii in Kenya. Hundreds Jlave literally found their way to Christ an the truth.

The Holy Spirit is at work right here in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Fif­teen ministers are in training in our field school of evangelism. For two months we have been holding revival meetings in our large tent and we are planning for one hun­dred converts for the first two baptisms. More will come. A few of the converts are seen in the following pictures.

The first is Princess Adah Balirala, the sister of the present president of Uganda, and the king of the Buganda kingdom (the largest kingdom in Uganda), Sir Ed­ward Mutesa. With her in the picture is the king's brother, Prince David Juko.

Prince Juko was won to Christ in E. E. Cleveland's Kampala effort a few years ago. He is a lay preacher, and by personal work led his sister to the meetings and to her Saviour, Jesus Christ.

In the next picture are two dear brothers who have been won to Christ. On the left is blind Asanasyo Mayanja. He was led to the meetings by his small grandson, and was then visited and studied with by Brother Tabyetesee, a faithful lay worker. On his right is Stephen Kasirye, an eighty­four-year-old saint who left the Anglican faith to walk in the advanced truth of God. His nephew, Mpima, an accountant in our mission office, informed him of the meet­ings and won him for Christ.

A former pastor, Ashe Musoke, apostate from the truth for fifteen years, has now returned. He had joined with the Oxford group, known lo­cally as "the Abalokole," "the saved ones," in the Anglican church. Hearing of the conver­sion to the truth of a minister of this group in the nearby city of Entebbe, Brother Musoke came to the pastor of our Kam­pala churches, Pastor Mwanje, and said: "I also am returning to the fold and Sabbathkeeping again." Brother Ashe is happy for the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus and is seeking now to do what he can to redeem the time.

The above-named trophies of Christ's saving grace come as the result of endeavoring to follow Christ's method by presenting "practical godliness" as our theme and "personal labor" as our great responsibility. Every Adventist min­ister will appreciate the concluding state­ment suggesting this plan.

Our ministers are failing here. They are not Bible students, they are weak where they might be strong; for they take things for granted without search­ing for themselves. They do not be­come mighty in the Scriptures and in the power of God, because they are satisfied with their present position and attainments. They need to become familiar with prophecy, familiar with the strong pillars of our faith, familiar with the lessons of Christ. Then the man of God, thoroughly furnished unto all good works, will make practical godliness his theme.—Ellen G. White in Review and Herald, March 4. 1884, p. 146. (Italics supplied.)


R. E. DELAFIELD, Evangelist, East African Union

March 1966

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