Souls Won in Lamitan

We now have a very lively group of believers in Lamitan

D. M. MERE, Davao City, Philippines

THE contract was signed. The rental was paid in full. The skeleton was up and the work was on. We were in high spirits as we began the construction of the Lamitan Center situated on the choicest lot in the city. Then we received a call from the owner. "You see, Mr. Niere, I am blamed by the people in Lamitan for allowing you Adventists to use my lot. I have just arrived from the convent, and the priest warned me of eternal damnation if I allow you to use my lot." "But, Attorney, we have the contract," I protested. He was trembling and his face was white as he talked.

We thought that bringing the case to court would only delay our work so we ordered the men to stop working. Our ene­mies naturally were jubilant. From our people we had several reactions. The ma­jority sympathized with me while others blamed me for acceding to the wishes of the owner. To transfer the effort to an­other place was unthinkable and would show defeat. Adventist people should never accept defeat. We are a church militant. While we were praying and asking God's counsel, a Moslem friend happened to lis­ten to our deliberation. He said he had seen a signboard hanging on a vacant lot at a certain place. We sent a committee to investigate the location. They reported that the lot was available and the location was just as good as the one we had lost.

The owner of the lot had just arrived back in town from a vacation and knew nothing of what had been going on. We told her we would not sign the contract if there was any possibility of the priest mak­ing her change her mind later. She said that no one could dictate to her, not even the priest! She had let other denomina­tions use her lot. So we went ahead, and as a result of the effort held there in Lami­tan thirty-four persons were baptized. In­cluded in this baptism were two Moslems. One of them is named Aida Antonio, who belongs to a royal family. I should men­tion here that when I baptized the first twenty-four souls the priest who had per­secuted us followed us at a distance to the beach. He was seen by our brethren in a jeep as he watched us through his binocu­lars. We now have a very lively group of church members in Lamitan, Basilan City.

D. M. MERE, Davao City, Philippines

June 1966

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