Enthusiastic Response to President's Appeal

The response to President's Pierson's appeal for worldwide evangelism and revival.

Theodore Carcich, Vice-President, General Conference



IN THE November issue of THE MINISTRY and at the recent Autumn Council, Pastor Robert H. Pierson made a fer­vent appeal to denom­inational workers every­where in behalf of worldwide revival and evangelism. The spon­taneous response to this appeal by our world leader was heart warming, encouraging, and inspiring. Letters are coming in each day and we take this occasion to share a few typical lines with our readers.

Church pastor: "You can count on us to support the world program."

Local conference president: "With the aid of the Holy Spirit, I have no other pur­pose than to carry this same emphasis into every church and institution in the . . . conference."

Pastor: "My heart responds to your ear­nest appeal in the November MINISTRY."

Conference departmental secretary: "I want to give more attention to my own spiritual regeneration, consecration, and commitment. As a departmental secretary, I assure you that soul winning is the great objective of all my work."

Evangelist: "I certainly accept the chal­lenge that you have put forth in the recent issue of THE MINISTRY magazine."

Local conference president: "We want you to know, Elder Pierson, that we believe in the program presented and that we will seek, by God's grace, to make it effective in the .. . conference."

Retired minister: "Everything in us re­sponds to your appeal published in the current issue of THE MINISTRY magazine."

Local conference president: "We are with you to help finish the work—all out!"

Division president: "You may rest as­sured that the . . . division will give its full support to the worldwide revival and evangelistic thrust, and as soon as we have settled on our quadrennial goals for net gains in membership and baptisms we shall notify you and send you a copy of the same."

Local conference treasurer: "We will certainly do all we possibly can to encour­age our pastors in evangelism, and I hope to conduct meetings once or twice a year myself."

College president: "I have been think­ing a great deal as to what our institution can do. I plan to take this up with our student officers, faculty members, and vari­ous committees and I hope we can come up with some good ideas as to what the col­lege can do in this area of evangelism."

Local conference president: "We have just completed a thrilling workers' meet­ing in the . . . conference and our pastors have voluntarily set for themselves greater objectives than we might have suggested. We are planning many evangelistic meet­ings in the months ahead, and our men from the office will be joining our pastors in a number of these efforts."

Union conference president: "As our conference administrators and departmen­tal secretaries meet at the annual council, we shall move forward immediately with the plans and objectives outlined at the Autumn Council."

Layman: "For years I have been waiting for something like this."

In addition to the foregoing we just received a thrilling report that Pastor E. E. Cleveland baptized 480 precious souls in his initial baptism in Trinidad. Thousands are attending the meetings, and a baptism is planned for each week during the re­mainder of the effort. Another heart-warm­ing report came from the Far East, which stated that 6,793 people were baptized throughout the division on Sabbath, May 14. Still other reports are coming in of in­dividual ministers baptizing 20, 35, and 60 people in scheduled baptisms. Another de­partmental secretary writes, "I have per­sonally been privileged to conduct four evangelistic campaigns this year in con­nection with my departmental work. Cul­minating these four campaigns, we have baptized a total of 60 souls. We are pray­ing that 1967 will be even more fruitful along these lines."

Let us have more such reports!


NOTE: Check with your conference president for details rela­tive to the Ministerial Association Bible Tape Program, which was introduced at the General Conference presession and includes the above.—Editors.

Theodore Carcich, Vice-President, General Conference


February 1967

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