It Can't Fail

A look at some recent meetings in California.

Fordyce W. Detamore, Evangelist, Florida Conference

IT WAS nearing midnight as Pastor Don Gray and I sat visiting after the rest of the workers had gone to bed. Pastor John Osborn had asked me to come to the Southeast­ern California Confer­ence workers' retreat to be held in the moun­tains. But in this ap­pointment I was to re­ceive much more help than I gave.

"Our plan, Fordyce, is for our members to take Bibles into the homes of the people along with the Bible lessons. New lessons are brought the student each week by the member, who can help him with any ques­tions that may come up. When the course is completed, the student is allowed to keep his marked Bible," explained Don Gray.

The plan seemed so simple and reasona­ble; it impressed me immediately. It had a built-in advantage over the usual corre­spondence courses in that it brought the member in contact with the student each week. It also, in a most natural way, pre­pared the way for further studies in the home.

In one of the sessions John Osborn called for reports by different pastors and the response was thrilling. One worker after another told of successful series—follow-up of Bible-marking interests. The spirit in the meeting was most inspiring.

Another thing impressed me greatly. This was a conference-wide program that had the enthusiastic backing of pastors, de­partment leaders, administrators, colporteurs, and laymen. All backed it so enthu­siastically one felt each considered the plan his own—whether using Don Gray's lessons or E. C. Ward's.

We could not help being caught up by the enthusiasm running high in the whole field. So, when Pastor Osborn's committee arranged with the Florida Conference to release our team (Detamore-Bentzinger­Collar) for four campaigns, we were most happy to respond.

It is over now. In all of the four areas the pastors gave the meetings their full backing. Pastors Bill Hatch and Mike Bazzy rallied the laymen and colporteurs to ac­tion.

It was quite an experience to drop in on one of the precampaign rallies led by Wal­ter Blehm. Participating in the program was the more-than-busy conference presi­dent, John Osborn, and the conference treasurer, Harry Schneider.

How could meetings fail with such back­ing? And you should have seen the way many of the doctors and teachers worked in the meetings. The loyal support our members as a whole gave would stir the heart of any evangelist.

Over and over I am asked, "What do you think of the 'Go Tell' [the name given to the Bible Marking Plan] program?"

I can answer without reserve that it is the best-developed and best-executed plan for soul winning I have witnessed. The plan does not come to an end at the close of a series but the harvest keeps on ripen­ing.

To have participated in these reaping meetings and to witness the results of the united work of our leaders, our people, and the Holy Spirit in this great ingather­ing of souls brought a joy our team will never forget.

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Fordyce W. Detamore, Evangelist, Florida Conference

June 1967

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