W. R. L. SCRAGG, Associate Secretary, Radio-Television Department,  General Conference

SUCCESS achieved in the public campaigns organ­ized to follow-up Voice of Prophecy and Faith for Today broadcasts as well as local broadcasters led delegates at the quadrennial session of the Radio-Television De­partment to pledge themselves to follow-up campaigns. Involved in this are all union and local radio-television secretaries as well as James J. Aitken and Walter R. L. Scragg, of the General Con­ference.

Each radio-television secretary will con­duct a public campaign to reap the inter­est aroused by the church's radio program­ming. Enthusiasm for this project was sparked by H. M. S. Richards, Jr., of the Voice of Prophecy, who reported that there were fifty-seven daily series of the Voice of Prophecy currently being broadcast in North America. Each of these should have a public campaign to reap the seed sown by the broadcast. William A. Fagal of Faith for Today reported on the success of cam­paigns conducted in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and San Diego, California. These worked in areas where Faith for Today had been telecast for many years.

Among other evangelistic high lights of the council were reports from Joe Crews, of the Chesapeake Conference, whose fifteen-minute daily broadcast has reaped large re­sults over the past twelve months. His Amazing Facts broadcast features a self-selection series of ten Bible guides whose highly colorful and attractive format has brought excellent response. In the field of television, G. E. Knowles, of the Oregon Conference, reported on the success of the TV Bible Class. Public campaigns follow­ing up the interest aroused by this telecast have brought great success in soul winning. A different idea for television was presented by R. S. Larson, of the Washington Confer­ence. Using a reversed pulpit, he focused his broadcast on the open Bible on the pul­pit as a preacher would see it. Both Words of Life, conducted by Pastor Larson, and the TV Bible Class are tied in with Gift Bible Evangelism.

W. R. L. SCRAGG, Associate Secretary, Radio-Television Department,  General Conference

August 1967

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