Your Church can Experience Revival
"A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work."—ELLEN G. WHITE, in Review and Herald, March 22, 1887.
A Continuing Call for Revival and Evangelism
A year after the call the need still persists.
Church Finance
A few brief thoughts in relation to church financing that I have discovered through the years make for a successful financial program.
The Ministry in an Era of Expertise
Here is a stimulating article of a little dif-ferent nature. Although it may not be in every respect the thinking of all on the subject, it is, nevertheless, thought provoking.
The Grief Period and Its Application to Counseling
An understanding of the nature and duration of grief is a good counseling tool.
Have We Inspired Information on the Age of the Earth?
This subject has been a topic of discussion among many of our loyal believers. Therefore, we feel this article by F. L. Marsh deserves your careful study.--Editors
It is Written in Australia
It is estimated that 80 percent of the population of Australia have at one time or another since 1964 been able to tune in to It Is Written.