Evil is multiplying with such rapidity that the minister often wonders how the youth of the church can withstand present-day temptations. We often think of the struggle that Peter, along with the other disciples, went through to be a Christian. The following statement from the pen of inspiration reveals what we are facing today:
"I have been shown that Satan has not been stupid and careless these many years, since his fall, but has been learning. He has grown more artful. His plans are laid deeper, and are more covered with a religious garment to hide their deformity. The power of Satan now to tempt and deceive is ten-fold greater than it was in the days of the apostles. His power has increased, and it will increase, until it is taken away. His wrath and hate grow stronger as his time to work draws near its close."—Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2, p. 277. (Italics supplied.)
It is time for action. As temptations increase, God's Spirit must be poured out in greater abundance to make up the difference. Thank God there are evidences of a new awakening among God's youth.
From all around the world—from college and academy campuses, from youth Bible conferences, from MV rallies and revivals—comes the thrilling news of consecration and commitment and evangelistic witnessing.
MV Target 100,000 has become worldwide in its scope, with every division participating. Reports indicate we are already approaching the halfway mark of 50,000 baptisms toward our MV Target goal of 100,000 by 1970.
A worldwide Daily Prayer Schedule is being sent out to the entire world as a special feature of the 1968 MV Week, March 16-23. We believe that in following this plan a million prayers a day will arise to God in behalf of a great spiritual revival and for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit among the youth of the church.
The Daily Prayer Schedule is as follows:
March 16—Sabbath, MV Day
Pray for worldwide revival among Advent youth.
March 17—Sunday
Pray for youth of the local church.
March 18—Monday
Pray for youth of the Australasian and Central European divisions.
March 19—Tuesday
Pray for youth of the Far Eastern and Inter-American divisions.
March 20—Wednesday
Pray for youth of the Middle East, North American, and Northern European divisions
March 21—Thursday
Pray for youth of the South American and Southern Asia divisions.
March 22—Friday
Pray for youth of the Southern European and Trans-Africa divisions, and Eastern Europe.
March 23—Sabbath
Pray for total youth consecration and the success of MV TARGET 100,000. The office family of the General Conference, every division, union, local conference, and mission of the entire world is being asked to join in prayer during this week in behalf of our youth in their evangelistic program.
Every pastor in the world is encouraged to lead his church in special prayer for the youth by means of a unified plan for the church membership, and by conducting in his church daily Week of Prayer services, preferably presenting the sermon material in the MV Week special of the MV Kit. Each sermon by a leading evangelist is based on one of the chapters of the book Steps to Christ. It is hoped that the pastors will arouse every Adventist family in the world to join in this special prayer schedule in family devotions each morning.
Every youth must be encouraged to participate in this MV Week of activities and turn to God as never before in heart searching and surrender and personal pleading for an infilling of the Holy. Spirit. This is a call for total involvement of every church institution from the first grade through to the university level.
A million prayers a day in behalf of our youth during this special week will move the arm of God to give His youth, in all the world, victory.