The story is not new. Every generation has had its faithful witnesses for the Lord Jesus. In spite of the darkness that has covered the earth and the gross darkness that has covered the people, God has not left the world without light nor has He left it without His messengers.But the story is current. It is fresh and glistening with a new luster and zeal. It is the story of a great vision—a vision of a finished work. It is a story of leadership and involvement. It is a story of worldwide revival, reformation, and evangelism, and our leaders in almost every place and area of influence are the leaders in this mighty crusade for Christ. Today all over the world a new spirit of urgency has taken possession of the lives of workers and members in the church of God. To fail to be involved, to fail to become a participant, is fast becoming a symbol of tragic complacency. The challenge today is: "The gospel to all the world in this generation." The aim: "The total involvement of the total church," with its membership, its organizations, and institutions, and all their leadership and personnel.We may be running a press or sitting in a proofreader's booth, but we must be a part of the proclamation of the gospel. We may be serving the sick or ministering to the distraught or disturbed, but our aim is the salvation of souls and the gathering of these dear people into the church, and by the marvelous grace of God, into His kingdom. We may be wives in the home or fathers at work, but our real job is to become effective witnesses for the Lord Jesus and to direct people to the Saviour, who is soon to claim His people. We may be sitting in our offices or ministering behind the sacred desk, or teaching in the classroom, or students in that classroom, but what we are and how we are employed must never adversely affect our commitment to Christ. We are His last-day messengers.We have glorious truth to tell and a witness to give. These go hand in hand. The one without the other is meaningless. We must always witness to others about the saving grace of the Lord Jesus and His power to change lives and give hope and peace. We cannot be delinquent in giving the vital message that God requires us to share with the world. The three angels' messages with all their implications must be proclaimed with power and great earnestness. In this proclamation every worker, every member, should have a part. Our youth need to be involved. Our children are to have a place. Our older people are to work with even greater earnestness and without delay, for in a special sense they have but a short time.We Must Be IntelligentWe need to know exactly what our message is all about. We must have an experience with Christ that is rich and meaningful. We must know personally the power that brings victory over sin, and the blessedness of the presence of the indwelling Christ. We should become so saturated with the Word of God and its great doctrines that our language will take on new life and vigor. We must know the meaning and power of prayer. We must be intelligent in all these things, for there are lessons to be learned and an experience to be enjoyed.We Must Be ZealousNothing else must be allowed to supplant the reality of all this in our lives. We must be enthusiastic and outgoing. We must speak as if our very lives as well as the lives of others depended upon what we say and what we do. We must have zeal but according to knowledge. With our Lord we should be able to say, "The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up." We are to be zealous of good works. We must crowd into these last few moments of earth's history the work that centuries should have done. The good news of salvation that we have experienced we must share.We Must Be Totally CommittedThis cannot be a halfhearted involvement. Our time, our energies, and talents are all to be committed to the Lord and to His work. The reality of our salvation and the blessed hope must be the dominant factor in our lives. No other interest dare be allowed to divert us from our mission and our goal. We must be totally committed, totally involved, wherever we go, whatever we do, whatever the time. We must be about our Father's business, and this requires complete dedication.We Must Be Spirit-filled
The hour has come when this must be the great heart cry of the people of God. We must not be content to labor on in the careless, indifferent, fruitless way that has been characteristic of some in the past. We should not be satisfied to receive only limited blessings and limited power from the Lord. This is the time of the latter rain, and we need to seek the Lord for it with all our hearts. We must pray for the power of the Spirit to possess our lives in their totality. No reservations should be made. No evasion should be practiced by any of us. No other concern must be allowed to dominate our thoughts. We seek the power of the Spirit of God that we might become radiant, effective witnesses for the Lord. This is so vital that we must spend much time in earnest, diligent prayer for this greatest of all blessings. We cannot do the work committed to us without this power; therefore, to seek it should be our first and most urgent concern. We must be Spirit-filled.
We Must Be Joyful in the Lord
This is not the time for unhappiness to fill our hearts nor for a disgruntled spirit to affect our attitudes. We should be so radiant with the love of Christ, so burdened for the lost, that selfish, discouraging, critical thoughts will have no place or time in our thinking. We have a blessed hope. Jesus is coming soon, and we are the heralds of this glorious message. "Lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth night." This is the good news that we bear, and our faces should reveal that it is just that to us.
This Is Not the Time to Find Fault
This is not the time to murmur and complain. This is not the time to share our doubts and misgivings. This is the time for action and for great conquest for the Lord Jesus. This is the time when the beauty of His life in the person of His witnesses is to clothe the Word of God and adorn the doctrines that we preach. We are to speak in love and happiness of the blessings of the Lord. We are to share our faith with all who will listen or who can be persuaded to give us even the slightest opportunity. We rejoice in the challenge and respond with grateful, eager hearts.
In answer to this call, 161 administrators in the conferences of North America alone last year became personally involved in evangelistic meetings. Nearly 23,500 people in North America were added to the church by baptism and profession of faith as a result of the labors of our ministers and our members. This year fifty-four members of the General Conference staff have already declared themselves as ready to participate in this great evangelistic thrust. This list is as follows:
R. E. Adams A. C. Fearing A. V. Pinkney
W. M. Adams W. W. Fordham M. H. Reeder
J. J. Aitken R. R. Frame H. L. Reiner
E. H. Atchley J. 0. Gibson F. D. Retzer
D. H. Baasch J. H. Hancock L. B. Reynolds
R. C. Barger R. R. Hegstad V. W. Schoen
W. R. Beach D. W. Holbrook W. R. L. Scragg
0. M. Berg D. W. Hunter J. V. Scully
F. L. Bland J. 0. Iversen H. D. Singleton
M. V. Campbell M. E. Loewen F. A. Soper
T. Carcich T. E. Lucas J. R. Spangler
E. E. Cleveland C. D. Martin W. M. Starks
0. A. Dart E. L. Minchin E. H. J. Steed
Paul DeBooy C. E. Moseley G. E. Vandeman
D. A. Delafield Lawrence Nelson R. F. Waddell
N. R. Dower P. S. Nelson R. S. Watts
J. E. Edwards E. W. Pedersen Herbert White
A. A. Esteb R. H. Pierson N. C. Wilson
In 1967, 31,000 new believers were baptized in Trans-Africa; nearly 26,000 in South America; over 23,000 in Inter-America; more than 15,000 in the Far East; almost 6,000 in Southern Europe; over 5,000 in Northern Europe and Australia; almost 4,000 in Southern Asia, with 806 won in the Tamil Section alone. The latter have a prayer objective of 1,200 for this year. The goal for South America in 1968 is more than 35,000 baptisms. They plan to distribute one million gift Bibles with the study guides during the present year, and thousands of our laymen are engaged in public preaching of the message of truth. In the Far East 8,000 laymen are being challenged to hold some type of evangelistic meetings, and thousands of others will participate with them. Reports that reach us from all parts of the world field indicate that the Spirit of God is at work, and the people of God are responding wonderfully to His power. The plans that are being laid are big and the desire is great. There is evidence of consecration and activity among God's people. We shall experience more and more of the blessings of the Lord as the days go by.
This is no time for partial work. This is the time for a genuine revival of primitive Godliness. This is the time when necessary reformations must take place in our lives. This is the time to quit doing everything that is out of line with the counsels of the Lord and begin to live in harmony with all the light that God has given us. We need to reform, but with it we must experience the revival that will make the reformation effective. The one without the other is of little or no value. It is for both that we plead and for which we as workers must seek God.
We must go forth in the greatest wave of evangelism that the world has ever experienced. It must surpass Pentecost in every way. Let us open our hearts and lives to the full control of the Holy Spirit, and God will give the results. "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it" (Isa. 55:11). The work can and will be quickly finished. This is the challenge of the hour. May God help us as ministers throughout the whole church, whatever our involvement or specific assignment of duty, to lead out in this climactic work. The ministry must lead the way. A new book of Acts must be written. May God help us to do something big for Him now!
Our Goal—Truly Converted Members
Ministers who labor in towns and cities to present the truth should not feel content, nor that their work is ended, until those who have accepted the theory of the truth realize indeed the effect of its sanctifying power, and are truly converted to God. God would be better pleased to have six truly converted to the truth as the results of their labors, than to have sixty make a nominal profession, and yet not be thoroughly converted. These ministers should devote less time to preaching sermons, and reserve a portion of their strength to visit and pray with those who are interested, giving them godly instruction, to the end that they may "present every man perfect in Christ Jesus."
The love of God must be living in the heart of the teacher of truth. His own heart must be imbued with that deep and fervent love which Christ possessed; then it will flow out to others. Ministers should teach that all who accept the truth should bring forth fruit to the glory of God.—Evangelism, p. 320.