Using and Reporting Evangelistic Funds

Carefulness in using evangelistic funds

Edward Dorsey, Secretary-Treasurer, Allegheny East Conference


Taking hold courageously of the work that needs to be done and putting the heart into it, makes the work a pleasure and brings success."—Evangelism, p. 645.

Let us take a candid look at the under­lying principle of these words of counsel in relation to "Carefulness in Using and Reporting Evangelistic Funds."

Begin in the Right Way

After you have received all or a portion of your conference appropriation, you should immediately open a special check­ing account in the name of your crusade. Deposit all income from the conference or nightly offerings with this account. Pay all workers and helpers by check when the amount to be paid exceeds five dollars. Pay all other expenses by check and request a marked, stamped, or signed-paid receipt for each check written.

There may be times when the writing of a check for a small amount will not be con­venient. In this case, a petty cash fund, es­tablished at the time you open your special checking account will be useful. The amount of this fund may vary according to the size of your effort. I would suggest a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $100. Whenever funds are disbursed from petty cash, be sure that properly signed vouchers are used to replace the cash given. These vouchers should be carefully filed so that they will always be available to verify your petty cash balance. Hold to this plan and push it forward firmly. You may have someone assigned to help you. Do not per­mit them to deviate from your plan.

A Well-matured Plan

Do everything according to a well-ma­tured plan, and with system. Establish a special file for holding all returned checks and receipts as well as vouchers. File them in numerical order or according to date. Observe to see that all charges and balances are correct. Remember that the funds you are handling are sacred. Don't, through carelessness, misappropriate one penny of this money, and you will sleep well at night.

Reporting to the Conference

It has been suggested by our union audi­tors that your conference appropriation be sent to you periodically during your cam­paign as it is needed. They have also sug­gested that before a second portion of your appropriation is sent to you, all receipts and vouchers for your first allotment should be received by the conference treas­urer. This is a good plan, especially in large efforts lasting for a period of eight weeks or more. Remember that all funds appropri­ated to you are charged to your personal account until such time as valid receipts are received and credited to your account. The sooner the charge against you is liqui­dated the better you will rest.

When in Doubt, Don't

If you are not sure of what you should or should not purchase with evangelistic monies, don't buy until you are sure. A safe guideline to follow is this: Any equip­ment or supplies for evangelism, if they are to be owned by you, cannot be purchased with evangelistic funds. You have been granted a yearly equipment allowance for this purpose. If items such as record play­ers, tape recorders, organs, pianos, public-address systems, film projectors, filmstrips, et cetera, are needed and are purchased with evangelistic funds, the same become the property of your conference. In this case, after the use of this equipment, it must be turned in to the conference for proper reg­istration at the close of your effort, or you must receive permission for continued use in church evangelism from your conference officers. In either case, all equipment of this kind must be recorded at your conference office. When not in active use, this equip­ment must be turned in to the conference.

Proper Use of Evangelistic Expense Report Forms

  1. Print or type, don't write.
  2. List all receipts in numerical order.
  3. Send duplicate deposit slips showing all deposits of conference funds and nightly offerings.
  4. Send all cancelled checks and receipts.
  5. If possible, add up all columns with an adding machine and send the tape with your report.
  6. Double check all balances for accu­racy.
  7. Send your report to the conference by registered mail.
  8. Send your final report to the confer­ence office no later than the second week after the close of your effort.

Take Hold Courageously of the Work

The results of taking hold courageously of the work that needs to be done makes all of your efforts a pleasure and brings success. Evangelism is a godly business that will pay big dividends if it is started in the right way. Getting a good start financially is important. Maintaining that good begin­ning, and pushing it forward according to a well-matured plan will fortify your con­science against any related guilt and will contribute to a more powerful ministry.

Edward Dorsey, Secretary-Treasurer, Allegheny East Conference


December 1968

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