The Priests Were Too Few

GREAT rejoicing spread through Jerusalem as Hezekiah ordered the service of God to be set in order. The house of the Lord had fallen into disrepair through the neglect and idolatry of God's own people. For too many years no offerings had been brought. The lamps were out. No incense burned. The doors were bolted shut. Trouble reigned all around. . .

-Minister's Wife, Ramona, California at the time this article was written

GREAT rejoicing spread through Jerusalem as Hezekiah ordered the service of God to be set in order. The house of the Lord had fallen into disrepair through the neglect and idolatry of God's own people. For too many years no offerings had been brought. The lamps were out. No incense burned. The doors were bolted shut. Trouble reigned all around.

Hezekiah, now recognizing the problem, knew in his heart what must be done. The story is all there in 2 Chronicles 29. Verse 10 tells what Hezekiah did. "Now it is in mine heart to make a covenant with the Lord God of Israel, that his fierce wrath may turn away from us."

It was not an easy task to put every thing in readiness for this great revival. The temple had to be cleaned of all the accumulation of dust and dirt and rubble, perhaps even some objects of idolatry. The Bible calls it "filthiness." Filthiness in the house of God! The very thought makes the heart weep! But there it was until the Levites and priests cleaned it all out and the Levites carried it and disposed of it in the brook Kidron.

Most important, however, was the personal cleansing that had to take place. Hearts were examined, sins repented of and confessed. Now the great day arrived. Preparations were finished and the sacrifices began. It is interesting to note that when the sacrifice began the "song of the Lord began." True revival brings joy to the heart and a joyous heart cannot help singing.

There was great rejoicing among the people for all that God had done. The blessing of the Lord came to Hezekiah and to all of Judah.

But there is one sad note in all of this. It is found in verse 34. "But the priests were too few." The offering of burnt offerings required much work on the part of the priests and there were just not enough priests to do it all. So we find that "their brethren the Levites did help them, till the work was ended." The next line gives one reason for the lack of these men. "The Levites helped them, . . . until the other priests had sanctified them selves; for the Levites were more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests."

The people were ready. The laymen were ready. Some of the priests were ready. But not enough! A sad commentary.

We are not told the reasons why these took so long to prepare themselves. We can only conclude that human nature being the same in any age, many were reluctant to change, satisfied with the status quo. Others, pessimistic and doubtful that revival could come, sat by with their doubts, hindering those who did work. Some were slow to part with their pet habits, perhaps even idols, and lingered until the service was nearly done.

We are not different today. So much work needs to be done before Jesus can come again, and we are drowsy with comfort and ease. Our lamps have burned low, indeed some have gone out for lack of the oil of the Holy Spirit. The sweet smell of the incense of prayer real prayer--is not often to be found. Sacrifice? The meaning is hardly known. In some heart temples the doors are bolted shut with a big Do Not Disturb sign nailed to the front.

Is it any wonder the sounds of great rejoicing are so rare among God's people in this day? Revival is needed in so many hearts! The people are waiting, indeed more ready than some of God's own ministers.

Let us unlock those doors, do what cleansing is necessary, clean the vessels to prepare for the oil, and sacrifice by giving of our whole being. There is a song heard occasionally these days: "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me." I would like to paraphrase that and suggest this thought: "Let there be revival, Lord, and let it begin with me."

Hezekiah, in admonishing his priests, said in verse 11: "My sons, be not now negligent: for the Lord hath chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, and that ye should minister."

Be not now negligent!

-Minister's Wife, Ramona, California at the time this article was written

June 1969

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OUR pastors have been using this program with excellent results. In one of our smaller areas four families have been coming back to church since the CONCERN kits were taken to them. This is a wonderful program and will surely bring results.". . .

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