Before You Build Know About Architects

Before You Build---Know About Architects

A tersely worded editorial, "Worth Every Additional Dollar," in a recent issue of Forbes magazine says, "Never underestimate the power of good architecture. . . . For men and companies who grow and believe they have a future, what they build reflects their confidence. They avoid boring banality of so much that is superficially less expensive. It's not. . .

-Assistant Treasurer, General Conference at the time this article was written

ARCHITECT is a word of Greek origin meaning "chief builder." Subdefinitions:

a. One versed in the art of building and its various styles.

b. One who professionally plans or designs buildings and superintends their construction.

A tersely worded editorial, "Worth Every Additional Dollar," in a recent issue of Forbes magazine says, "Never underestimate the power of good architecture. . . . For men and companies who grow and believe they have a future, what they build reflects their confidence. They avoid boring banality of so much that is superficially less expensive. It's not.

"If you plan to build get an architect. A good one."

To this I would add: The more limited your funds for a given project, the more you need a good architect.

A logical question is, How does one find a good architect?

Architects have this disadvantage over medical doctors, both their successes and their failures remain as a visible evidence of their qualifications. In other words, discover if you can some buildings designed by the man you are considering as your architect. It will be at once evident whether the architect in question is keeping up with the profession in the use of modern materials and equipment and whether his designs are imaginative without being extreme or bizarre.

Choosing an Architect

In choosing an architect, be certain the man you engage is experienced in designing structures for the uses to which you plan to put your building. There are architects who are experts in school-building design who have little or no experience with church, hospital, nursing-home, or dormitory construction. Unless the architect has a large staff, including specialists in various areas, you do well to satisfy your self of his competence in designing the type of building you wish constructed.

Architects' Fees

Lines on paper are the architect's stock in trade. So far as I have been able to discover there are no "discount" architects worthy the name architect. Professional ethics prescribe what constitutes reasonable remuneration for architectural services rendered. The levels of services given determine the fees to be paid. For example, the architect may or may not supervise the building. If he does, he is entitled to remuneration for services rendered. The architect's drawings are considered his property, and obviously, if plans he has developed for a project are considered for another, ethical procedures require that the original architect agree to such use. Generally he will be reimbursed on some agreed basis for such use of his plans.

A clear understanding as to services expected and fees to be paid your architect is essential for smooth operation of the project and will prevent arguments by dissident elements as the program moves forward.

When agreement has been reached on these matters, payment to the architect for services rendered should be on a mutually agreed basis. It is evidence of smallness to try to have agreed fees reduced when services have been rendered. As well try to wrangle a discount from the lumber dealer after the building is up.

When to Engage the Architect

When does one engage the architect? Any extensive project will profit from a cooperative effort between the building committee and the architect early in the planning stages.

When the committee has decided on one or more possibilities for architectural services, usually an architect who is being considered will meet with the committee, and he will explain what he is prepared to do and at what fee.

It is folly for a building committee to determine locations of buildings, parking lots, entrances, and exits before engaging the architect. If he is competent he can render invaluable assistance in site planning, location of buildings, et cetera. If you haven't yet bought the land but have an architect, let him help with site selection. He should be able to visualize and transmit to paper things which a committee of laymen could discover only by trial and error. The architect is acquainted with area building codes, various restrictions, availability of utility, water, sewerage, rubbish removal services, and a host of other things that have bearing on your building program.

He also knows how to present site and plot plans as well as building plans to licensing bodies and can usually secure permits, inspections, et cetera, more readily than can laymen. These services alone often result in savings because of reduced "down" time waiting for permits, et cetera.

Generally, architects acquainted with the locality where a building is to be erected can serve your needs better than one who is at a great distance.

There are several competent Seventh-day Adventist architects whose services might be available for your area.

Before you build—plan, and, as you begin to plan, secure the services of a competent architect. It will be worth "every additional dollar."

-Assistant Treasurer, General Conference at the time this article was written

September 1969

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