Judgment--Hour Approach

How to Win Souls Using the Judgment--Hour Approach

SOME months ago, while I was pastor of the Lima, Ohio, church, a special witness was developed. A very dedicated layman, Emanuel Backey of Mendon, Ohio, joined me in visiting, and because of our combined efforts, within two weeks thirty men, women, and children started to attend Sabbath school and church. . .

-Pastor, Potomac Conference at the time this article was written

SOME months ago, while I was pastor of the Lima, Ohio, church, a special witness was developed. A very dedicated layman, Emanuel Backey of Mendon, Ohio, joined me in visiting, and because of our combined efforts, within two weeks thirty men, women, and children started to attend Sabbath school and church. During the next four weeks one hundred and four had fellowshiped with us. Of this number twenty four adults were baptized and they brought twenty-two children with them. This increased the church membership by 35 percent.

The Bible in the Hand and the Gift Bible Speaks lessons made it possible to release this harvest ministry and give people an opportunity to study or restudy our message. Most important of all, it set the stage for our continued visits in the homes.

What Are the Mechanics?

This "come . . . , let us reason together" ministry is not a proof-text approach to doctrine, but it is present truth presented in an orderly way by a series of questions that place the hearers under the search light of the Spirit of God. Then conviction of sin and judgment to come over takes them. Truth they have not seen before comes flashing through.

This ministry is primarily for those who have taken a Bible course, who have read our books, or who are interested friends of the church. It is for those written off as "dead" interests, those who took studies but did not take a stand, or those who did not come to the reaping meeting.

At the Door

Ideally, the visiting should be done by two persons—a minister and a layman. Introduction at the door: "Good morning, Mrs. Smith. I am Mr. O'Ffill and this is Mr. Backey. We represent the Voice of Prophecy Bible School [or any other type of lead]. May we step in?"

The Canvass

When we are seated, we start talking first on general world conditions—the Middle East, Vietnam, trouble in our cities, et cetera. We mention that almost all radio evangelists are preaching the soon coming of Jesus. Our visit is to develop a whole new situation in which we will be involved.

Searching Questions

"Mrs. Smith, do you believe Jesus is coming soon?"


"Do you believe Jesus could come in our day while we are alive?"

"Yes." (If the answer is No, then ask "Do you believe some people will be alive when Jesus comes?") "Yes."

"Do you believe all must stand before the judgment bar of God?" "Yes."

Some may answer, "Yes, when we die." We continue, "But you have just said you believe Jesus could come while we are yet alive. That being the case, the living Christians would have to be judged before He comes. When do you think the judgment would begin that determines whether we meet the Lord rejoicing or calling for the rocks to fall on us?" Their answer is usu ally, "I have never given this any thought." Our reply is, "This is why we have come today. This is why Seventh-day Adventists are in the world." If the answer is Yes with out any qualifications, we say, "Then you believe your name will come up in judgment before Jesus comes to determine whether you are accepted or rejected?" They haven't though about that. Now they do! The idea of a judgment of the living taking place before the second coming of Jesus is a new thought to 99 percent of the people. If considered at all, they usually think of "after death the judgment."

"Mrs. Smith, do you believe that God is particular and did not spare the angels who sinned, and cast them out of heaven for breaking God's commandments?" "Yes."

"Do you understand that our first parents, Adam and Eve, sinned and God expelled them from the Garden for breaking His commandments?" "Yes."

"All this being true we find that 99 percent of Catholics and Protestants who love Jesus feels about this as we do. Then Jesus is in a tragic situation! You ask why?

"Because all Satan has to do now is to keep all Christians breaking the commandments that he broke and that Christ kept. If Christ judged the living Christians and they were not walking in the light as He is in the light He would have to blot their names out of the book of life. If Christ compromised and took one soul to heaven who did not walk in the light Satan could claim the right for him and the fallen angels to return to heaven."

The Clincher

Question: "Did you know we are to be judged by the law of God?"

Answer: "Yes" or "No" (it makes no difference).

We continue: "James 2:10-12 says that we will be judged by the law which states, 'Thou shalt not steal,' and 'Thou shalt not commit adultery.' This is the law of the ten commandments, which is recorded in Exodus 20. The fourth commandment of this law declares, 'The seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God.' Now this is the way Satan understands it in the judgment of the living. This is the way Jesus understands it. This is the way we understand it. Isn't that right, Mrs. Smith? If Christ would judge the living Christians before they experience obedience to the seventh-day Sabbath of the Lord, He would have to blot out their names from the Lamb's book of life. This is why Christ has not yet come. He puts off His judgment and thus delays His coming, for the people who never die must be keeping all ten of God's commandments."

Generally people do not think of being judged while they are still living. They have never considered the predicament of Christ and the reason why the seventh-day Sabbath is a must in the lives of those He will judge and save alive. In our study we defend those who have died without keeping the true Sabbath and the living Christian Sabbath-breaker, by claiming ignorance for both groups. So our friends find us defending Christians with one exception: Those who willfully break the seventh-day Sabbath commandment. Before Jesus comes, the living are to be judged. Ask your partner to read Daniel 12:10.

"Many shall be purified, and made white . . . ; none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."

"Is not this a beautiful truth? A wonderful message from God? Hasn't this truth changed your whole understanding as to why God must be particular and why the Sabbath of the Lord must be obeyed?" When they answer, "Yes," I add, "Jesus says His sheep will hear His voice."

Bible Study Plan

Brother Backey is asked at this time to go to the car and bring in free Bibles and lessons for each one in the family who is of study age. The partner takes over to show how the Bible study plan works. The Bibles and lessons are given to help them prepare to witness for Christ and give the message. It is absolutely necessary that these people feel our love for them and their church. The Bible lessons are "built" into their lives as opportunities for them. to witness to their friends of God's impending judgment.

Prayer Partner

Before we pray we ask them to be prayer partners with us, to pray daily for our ministry. We pray and then as we leave we as sure them of our return the following week to bring new lessons.


At the first call to the home, if any person says, "I have always believed the seventh day was the Sabbath," or "I have wondered about this Sabbath commandment," we say, "For Jesus' sake don't break another Sabbath." Then we tell how to keep the Sabbath in the light of Christ's ministry. This approach gave us our first thirty souls. They started to keep the Sabbath while still going to church on Sunday. Since then others have followed in Sabbathkeeping.

Church Home

They come to meet with Christ in their Sabbathkeeping church with their new-found pastor team. They are never treated as visitors. We welcome them to fellow ship. When they come to church on the Sabbath, we want them to feel that they have come home. They have a right to this tree of life. Our church is their church!

What About Tobacco, Dress, Jewelry?

We love to see jewelry and to smell tobacco on the Sabbath. This is a sign people are coming to Christ just as they are. The big thing is Christ and the Ten Commandments. As the weeks go by, one person and then another will say, "I have quit smoking." This gives them a personal testimony. Let them be taught of God. We do not rob them of their voluntary humility. Let God work while we work for others.


The big experience is not immediate health reform, dress reform, or breaking the tobacco habit. These will come. The big experience is Christ acceptance, commandment keeping, and our acceptance of them. This must be acceptance just as they are! Then let time leaven the lump by our good example. A mushroom comes up in one night; it takes a season to grow an apple.


How do we maintain interest once these people begin to come to services? We continue weekly visits to their homes, thanks to the Bible Speaks lessons. This gives us opportunity to keep explaining God's plan for His people.

The Spirit of Prophecy Writings

Ellen G. White's writings are introduced during our second home visit, and this "gift" has never been refused. A copy of The Great Controversy is placed in each home to be used as a prophetic guideline.

The Concern

What is in the hearts of these people? Concern of judgment to come! They now have a knowledge that all will be lost who do not give God an evidence of their love by commandment keeping. They realize they may be saved if today they die, but they want and plan to be alive until Jesus comes, thus the urgency!

-Pastor, Potomac Conference at the time this article was written

October 1969

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