
Eyes on Atlantic City

WHEN these words are read, final preparations will be under way for the fifty-first quadrennial session of the General Conference to be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 11-20, also the Ministerial Council to precede it. Thousands in their homes are now making preparations to attend. Larger numbers than ever before will be coming from the overseas fields.

WHEN these words are read, final preparations will be under way for the fifty-first quadrennial session of the General Conference to be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 11-20, also the Ministerial Council to precede it. Thousands in their homes are now making preparations to attend. Larger numbers than ever before will be coming from the overseas fields.

Never has such an important conference been called amid more challenging times. The very nature of the times should bring us to a new sense of the vital role the church is yet to play, and a new sense of urgency with which the work must be done.

It is in this context that the Ministerial Association staff has spent many hours of planning and prayer in behalf of the forth coming Ministerial Council, trusting that the meetings will bring renewed courage and a new sense of urgency and direction.

A glance at the accompanying program outline will help you to envision what is planned. In addition to the morning devotional period to which particular reference was made in the April issue of THE MINISTRY (see p. 9), there will be two special series of meetings that we feel will be particularly appropriate in view of the general uncertainties all too freely expressed in many circles today.

The eleven-o'clock series will bear the ring of certainty with reference to some of the great principles of our faith that make us a distinctive people. It will be preaching at its best. You will be pleased to know that this series will be carried on through the meetings of the General Conference session, as well, with no conflicting meetings going on at the time, thus making it possible for all to attend. This will be to all of us a period of reassurance and renewed dedication to the established truths that have made us a distinctive people.

At 2:30 P.M. there will be a coming to grips with some of the real problems facing the church today, both within and without. Also suggestions as to how we can best relate ourselves to some of the great issues, issues that indicate clearly that before us lies the great and final period of testing and trial for the church, as well as for the world.

The afternoons will feature a variety of workshops, which it is hoped will give practical suggestions for a more effective and efficient ministry, geared to the 70's. Not indicated on the program, but some thing that our ladies will rejoice to see, will be a two-hour afternoon workshop program just for them. These will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 P.M. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

The evening service each day will again feature preaching at its best with messages of inspiration and direction that will be long remembered. Special features of the evening programs will be the "Windows," brief challenges from overseas areas brought to us by some of our division Ministerial Association secretaries.

Fellow workers, we are looking forward with great anticipation to these meetings. We expect to see many of you there. The great imperative, however, is the presence of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray daily for this. The prayers of Elijah that brought fire and rain at Mount Carmel were preceded by months of earnest prayer for revival and reformation. The prayers that brought the Holy Spirit at Pentecost were preceded by much prayer on the part of the disciples. The prayers that we trust will bring power at the time of the Ministerial Council and General Conference session must be preceded by much prayer, today and every day until the meetings begin. We ask you to unite your prayers, and those of your congregations, with ours, that the promised blessings will be realized.

"O Breath of Life, "come sweeping through us, Revive Thy church with life and pow'r; O Breath of Life come, cleanse, renew us, And fit Thy church to meet this hour.

O Wind of God, come bend us, break us, Till humbly we confess our need; Then in Thy tenderness remake us, Revive, restore, for this we plead.

O Breath of Love, come breathe within us, Renewing thought and will and heart; Come, Love of Christ, afresh to win us, Revive Thy church in every part."

May 1970

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NEVER had I been so downright scared I as when those lights glared at me for the first time on that eventful night of May 21, 1950, when I looked into the eyes of a camera without benefit of script or experience," Pastor William A. Fagal, director of Faith for Today, confessed to me the other day. He added, "I said Hello to an unseen audience I hoped, but wasn't sure, was out there."

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HOW often we have received the names of Voice of Prophecy or Faith for Today interests with a feeling of reluctance. Too often the initial visit hasn't paid off as much as had been hoped. . .

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WHO killed the soul of James G. Thresher? It wasn't you, was it? God forbid that it was you. But I don't know . . .

With Unity to Pentecost

FACING death, one talks about the things that are nearest to his heart, the things that really matter. Consider Jesus and the last moments He spent with His disciples before Gethsemane. . .

The World Council of Churches: Seventh-day Adventist Conversations and Their Significance---Part 1

While in Rome in connection with the Vatican Council a WCC staff member and an Adventist representative came to the conclusion that an informal meeting of a small group of Seventh-day Adventists with an equal number of representatives from the World Council of Churches would fulfill a useful purpose Adventists being insufficiently informed regarding the WCC, and the WCC staff and church leaders being equally in need of additional and more comprehensive knowledge regarding the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Evangelistic Effort in Madrid, Spain

DURING the last quarter of 1969, Evangelist Salim Japas held a gospel crusade in the capital city of Spain. The goal of baptisms was fifty, and during the campaign twenty-two were baptized. We hope that during the first quarter of 1970, in the follow-up work, the other twenty-eight will join the church. . .

Total Evangelism for the 70's

REGARDLESS of how difficult evangelism becomes, in spite of how few may give themselves fully to it, regardless of how it seems to be overshadowed by institutionalism and departmentalism, it will increase until the world is enlightened with the glory of the righteousness of Christ for the consummation of the gospel.

Ingredients of an Evangelistic Church

AS I DRIVE along tonight in my car from Indianapolis, Indiana, to Hammond, I am thinking of the condition of the churches in America and meditating upon the services in which I spoke today. I am more convinced than I have ever been that the great need of America is soul-winning churches. Perhaps nothing could do as much for our sick nation today as for every city, town, and hamlet to have a real old-fashioned, soul-winning church within its boundaries.

To Know God in the New Testament

HOW can we get to know God? The Scriptures give a clear testimony. We have given a very brief introduction to this thought in our first article dealing with the Old Testament. A very fruitful study to be recommended is the application of Old Testament names used of the Father and applied to Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Each of the names of God with its connotations finds its embodiment in Jesus Christ in the New Testament. . .

Faith for Today Evangelism

THE thrill of twentieth-century soul winning is unsurpassed. Truly to fulfill the gospel commission today constitutes a marvelous opportunity. How good it is to see hearts transformed as men and women come to a full knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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