To Make Ready a People
What is the ultimate goal of our mission as a church? What is the final objective of our ministry as modern apostles for Jesus Christ? Is it to finish the work, or to change the world, or to demonstrate for peace, or to press for social reforms and true racial equality? Is it to preach with power the three angels' messages, or to fill up the church and make up the 144,000? . . .
The Spirit-Filled Home
ONE need not look far or listen long to realize that today's world is filled with staggering problems. Committees are appointed, task forces as signed, and policing agencies reinforced in an attempt to control an unruly, rebellious generation; a generation of confusion, filled with paradox, where people are more intelligent than ever before, yet without answers; more wealthy than ever before, with more poverty everywhere; producing more food than ever before, but more are hungry. . .
Do We Know the Holy Spirit?
IN ALL the religions of the world there is nothing that corresponds with the Christian doctrine of the Holy Spirit. And nothing is more vital to the Christian's life than the consciousness of the indwelling of the Spirit. One can be a baptized member of the church, however, and know nothing of this experience. . .
The Spirit-Filled Church
THE Christian Church was launched at Pentecost. Pentecostal power impelled the young church on its mission. The assigned mission of the church was to preach the gospel of Christ in all the world. And the youthful, Spirit-filled church plied its mission magnificently.
Newly Edged With Power
AN AMAZING group experience is written with letters of fire in the first chapter of Acts! One hundred and twenty ordinary men and women prayed that they might shake the world—and they turned it upside down!
Enter Into Life
WHEN Jesus said to the rich young ruler, "If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments" (Matt. 19:17), He was expressing an eternal truth. But a misinterpreted doctrine of the grace of God leads many Christians today to assume that Jesus did not really mean what He said. . .
Church Strandards---The Minister's Responsibility
Unfortunately, how ever, today this attitude of "don't preach to me" is prevalent to a greater degree than ever. When one ventures onto the field of church standards he has, according to some, stopped preaching and gone to meddling. He takes the risk of being labeled a "legalist," a "has been" or one who isn't "with it." In spite of this anti-attitude we must not neglect our responsibility to hold high the standards of Jesus Christ in our living, teaching, and preaching.
The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
"Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines."
The Remnant Church
IN SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST parlance, based on what I have always considered to be sound scriptural exegesis, we lay claim to the term remnant as applying to Seventh-day Adventists. . .
Preaching--Its Nature and Urgency
NOWADAYS preaching is considered as a somewhat prosaic and outworn occupation. Everyone, even preachers, occasionally takes a crack at the sermon and the sermonizer and the seeming futility and unpopularity of preaching. . .