To Prepare a People
In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set in the world as watchmen and light bearers. To them has been entrusted the last warning for a perishing world. On them is shining wonderful light from the word of God. They have been given a work of the most solemn import— the proclamation of the first, second, and third angels' messages.
What Time is It?
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and The United International reported that at 5:30 A.M., July 16, 1945, a light brighter than a thousand suns or moons illuminated the white desert sands of New Mexico and the skies in western United States. One scientist who was watching that first atomic detonation wept. "My God," he said, "we have created hell!"
The Christian Principle of Religious Authority
IT IS often said that there is a crisis of authority today. It is, indeed, a time when values that have come down to us from the past are being widely questioned both in the world at large and within the church.
Pulling Together
AN UNWRITTEN law of human nature is that people need to be associated in a common cause. Only when they are working together for something that is bigger than individual ambition can men achieve their best. . .
Men of the Century
THE year 1969 was the best year yet for public evangelism in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. From every division revelations of spiritual miracles pour into the office. Pen and ink cannot do justice to these stories. No language yet invented can en compass the scope of the miracle. The Australasian Division reports 6,512 baptisms.
Doctrine of Revelation and Inspiration (Part 1)
THIS church has no clearly defined and developed doctrine of revelation and inspiration. We have aligned ourselves with the evangelical or traditional position. This is not to deny its adequacy. But as far as this presentation is concerned, I speak for myself with a view to interpreting what I consider to be both Biblically and doctrinally sound.
The Call of the Elijah Message
SIR, I want help. I am not an Adventist. I am not even a Christian. I have never voluntarily attended a church in my life." So began one of the many thrilling stories experienced during visits of the Columbia Union College Better Family Living team.
California Field School of Evangelism
UNIQUE among the twelve Field Schools of Evangelism sponsored by Andrews Theological Seminary last summer was the one conducted by Harmon Brownlow, coordinator of evangelism for the South eastern California Conference. From June 14 to July 12, thirteen Seminary students received instruction that they were able to apply immediately.
The Sevenfold Impact of the Truth
IT HAS been pointed out in a previous article how we need to give first place to those evangelistic methods that are designed to bring the truth from the Word in direct contact with the minds and hearts of the hearers. The people to whom we preach today in America are far more ignorant of the Bible than people were twenty-five or fifty years ago. . .
"So You Are a Minister!"
I am a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, called of God to proclaim the unsearchable riches of His love. Therefore, I voluntarily adopt the following principles in order that through dedication and self-discipline I may set a more worthy example for those whom I seek to lead and serve. . .