Representing the Truth as It Is in Jesus

ALL evangelism may be summed up in eight words Jesus "the way, the truth, and the life." Regardless of what the sermon subject is, it should be as a highway leading to Christ. . .

ALL evangelism may be summed up in eight words Jesus "the way, the truth, and the life." Regardless of what the sermon subject is, it should be as a highway leading to Christ.

"Jesus is the living center of everything." Evangelism, p. 186. "Every true doctrine makes Christ the Center." Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 54. A sermon, or presentation, may be eloquent, and interesting, and correct according to the Scriptures. But if it fails to make Christ the center, it is not in the proper form.

If the doctrines are presented merely as the teachings of our church, there is no impelling incentive for decision. But when you bring every doctrine as a part of the way of Jesus, every practice as a step in walking with the Saviour, then as sure as a person loves Jesus, his love for Jesus will lead him to a joyful, willing obedience. "The truth as it is in Jesus will subdue the most powerful opponents, bringing them into captivity to Jesus Christ." ELLEN G. WHITE, in General Conference Bulletin, Feb. 25, 1895.

These considerations have led to using the subject, "Walking Where Jesus Walked," as the sixteenth lesson of the Truth for Today Bible Course. This presents the essentials for being a Seventh-day Adventist from what Jesus taught, as recorded in the four Gospels. These essentials are presented as Christ's steps for us to follow. This is a most powerful factor for securing acceptance.

In the short reaping campaign we choose to present this subject at the meeting when the third gift book is presented to those who have completed the "My Bible" statements in the eight lessons that have been distributed up to this meeting.

Score Sheet No. 2

The minister first reads the statements under "My Bible Says" in the previous lesson so the people can check their answers. Then score sheet number 2 is distributed (see inset). This score sheet determines which persons will receive the third gift book at this meeting.

Those who have completed the eight lessons specified are requested to check the first square. If they have not received some of these, they circle those numbers. Then we know which ones to carry to them. If they are determined under God to complete the remainder of the lessons as fast as they are distributed they check the second square. Then they are requested to fill in their names and addresses.

All who checked the first square are asked to stand and to remain standing until the ushers hand them the third gift book. Those who do not stand are assured that the same book will be given to them at the Bible counter when they have completed these lessons listed on the score sheet. The people are told that these filled-in record sheets will be collected at the end of the Bible lecture.

"Walking Where Jesus Walked"

Then "Walking Where Jesus Walked" is presented as a Bible study: John 14:6; 1 Peter 2:21; and 1 John 2:6 are used to introduce the subject. Jesus left us an example that we should follow His steps. Then we concentrate on the twelve steps of the Jesus way as listed in the numbered squares on the score sheet number 2. The entire audience becomes as it were a baptismal class.

A couple of texts such as Matthew 4:4 and John 5:39 are used to show that Jesus taught that we should follow the Scriptures (or Bible) as the only guide as to what we believe and do. Then all who believe that Jesus was right in upholding the Bible as the only guide are asked to raise their hands. They are asked to place a check mark in square number 1. We say, "You agree with Jesus on the Word of God being our only guide, don't you? Then be sure to check this first square."

The central idea in all the teachings of Jesus is that every person should receive Him as his personal Saviour. John 8:24 and John 3:36 may be read at this point. Then comes the appeal. "How many want to tell Jesus that they take Him as their personal Saviour, will you lift your hand?" They are asked to check the second square. And so on with the third, fourth, and fifth steps. It is not necessary to call for a show of hands on these steps. But it is necessary to request that if they agree with Jesus on these items to check the respective squares.

Then the Sabbath of Christ is set forth as one of Christ's steps for us to follow. An appeal is made for all who are deter mined to follow the Sabbath of Christ to raise their hands. These are asked to check the sixth square.

Provision for Those Who Are Not Ready to Make a Decision

We state, "Some may be hearing about this for the first time. Others may not have heard the essential Biblical evidences concerning the Sabbath. If so, you need further information. So please check the square on number 6, where it says, 'I need further information.' "

The same procedure is followed on the steps dealing with tithing, conditional immortality, separation from the world, the ordinances, and baptism by immersion. The items of the nonuse of pork, tobacco, liquor, and ornaments are included under the step, "Separation From the World."

Then at the close of the study these score sheets are collected. A special prayer is offered for God to help everyone to walk in the steps of Jesus all the way to His heavenly home, as the minister holds the score sheets before the Lord.

Shows How to Direct the Personal Work

The next morning the workers meet to consider the filled-in score sheets from the non-Adventists. The pertinent information is recorded on the file card under the respective names. Then the workers go out to contact these people in their homes.

If a person has checked every square, he is presumably ready for baptism. Then the worker checks with him on every item on the Guiding Principles card. He is asked to unite with the worker in a prayer of full surrender to the Lord. After the prayer he is asked to sign his name on the card, just as he wants it to appear on his baptismal certificate. Arrangements are made for the baptism.

If he checked for further information on various items this is supplied. Then these are baptized as fast as they harmonize with every essential.

The use of this score sheet enables us to know how to direct our personal work for securing results. We need waste no time in coming directly to the items where help is needed.

We cannot rightly direct our personal work with the interested person unless we know where he needs help. Unless we learn what is hindering him from being ready for baptism, we don't know how to focus our efforts for the desired results. One of the top secrets in soul winning, under the cooperation of the Holy Spirit, is in knowing how and when to appeal for decision. The minister who knows how and when to appeal in unfolding God's message may, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, brings his hearers further into the acceptance of the essential truths in twelve meetings than could be accomplished by twenty meetings where the right emphasis is lacking.

Plan Requires No Special Equipment

The full-time conference evangelist generally has various visual aids for making the truth plain and interesting. These are helpful. But the rank and file of our pas tors generally do not have such evangelistic equipment, nor do the young men who come from the Seminary. They may, be cause of this, hold back from conducting reaping campaigns. But this plan that we have outlined requires no equipment.

The Reaping Campaign Becomes Easier

It is much easier to present Bible studies with these lessons as their undergirding than to preach a series of evangelistic sermons. There is a strain in preaching for continual movement. But when Bible studies are presented on the lessons much of the material needed is on the lesson sheets. You have time to pause while the people find the references. It actually makes it easier to hold the reaping campaign. If the minister did no more than ask each question and direct the people to the answers in the Bible, it would be effective.

The full-time evangelist has developed a series of evangelistic sermons with which he is familiar. This is good. But many pas tors do not have at their command such a series of evangelistic sermons. The same is true of the young men who come from the Seminary. Because of this many a pas tor and the young minister hold back from undertaking a reaping campaign. But this step-by-step plan with the six teen lessons on the sheets gives them sixteen sermons ready for use in the reaping meeting. The entire plan is so easy to operate that any pastor or young man can do it. And the Word of God will bring results.

The Dialog Method May Be Used

As a variation in arousing interest, the pastor or the young minister may have an associate stand with him in the pulpit, and ask the respective questions. Then the one who is leading out takes over and directs the hearers where to turn for the answers, et cetera.

Our own church members may attend more regularly and take more interest if, instead of their own pastor, another pastor in the conference conducts the campaign. Thus pastors may exchange pulpits for this purpose.

For a Greater Evangelistic Thrust

If this plan for a reaping meeting is promoted, it will mean hundreds of reaping meetings in addition to those that are now being conducted. This will mean a greater evangelistic thrust in every conference with thousands of additional baptisms.

It certainly presents the possibility of hundreds of pastors and scores of young men direct from the Seminary using the gospel sickle for God.

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October 1970

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H. M. S. Richards--Committed Evangelistic Preacher

It is most fitting that this issue of The Ministry be dedicated to H. M. S. Richards, dean of Seventh-day Adventist ministers, and for forty years a pioneer and peer among religious radio broadcasters. Dr. Richard's life has been totally committed to evangelism--the preaching of the good news of the gospel. His preaching ancestry reaches back through several generations. . .

A Flexible Witness

PERHAPS the greatest tribute as a soldier of the cross that could be paid to H. M. S. Richards is today's multi-faceted complexion of the organization he founded forty years ago. Few men, young or old, possess the flexibility of mind that would allow the scope and diversity of operations embodied in the Voice of Prophecy of 1970. . .

If I were a Young Preacher. . .

I'D PREACH the Bible; preach it plain, simply, without frills, and let its mes sage cut deep, right to the heart of people. Nothing else will convict, convert, and con serve like the Word. It is the living Word of the living God, and therefore it is all-powerful wherever He directs it!"

Focus on Reaping

FOCUS ON REAPING, a Voice of Prophecy total evangelism reaping thrust, is designed to provide an opportunity for local pastor-evangelists, and conference and union evangelists to capitalize on the name and image of the Voice of Prophecy that has been built up during forty years of broad cast and Bible school evangelism.

A New Day in Electronic Evangelism

FACED with the complex, sophisticated problems of reaching the American teenager in today's chaotic society through a mass medium that changes almost weekly with radically new, different, and exciting advances both in machinery and programming concepts, the Voice of Prophecy began several years ago the painstaking process of designing a totally new radio evangelism thrust. . .

Wither Too or Whither To? No. 3

[EDITOR'S NOTE: This message was given by the writer at the recent General Conference Ministerial Pre-session in Atlantic City.]

Proposed New Theological Degrees

THE biennial meeting of the American Association of Theological Schools held in St. Louis, June 10-12, 1968, authorized the appointment of a special committee to study the question as to whether there should be a change in the nomenclature of the Bachelor of Divinity degree. . .

The Voice of Prophecy and You

Over the years, as the broadcast has built up a witness in hundreds of cities and tens of thousands of homes across America, we have always tried to do more than just teach the facts of the gospel to our listeners. Through our field service department we have, for years, referred the names of interested people who have completed enough phases of doctrinal study through the correspondence courses to local pastors. . .

Mystic Tongues Are Speaking (Part I)

I WANT to talk to you about the charismatic movement or neo-Pentecostalism, as it is also called. A movement that is bringing the so-called baptism of the Holy Spirit with all its concomitants, speaking in tongues and healings into the main line Protestant churches and Catholicism. "Charismatic," of course, stems from the Greek charisma., and refers to gifts of extraordinary power given a Christian by the Holy Spirit and for the good of the church. There are four reasons why I believe the charismatic movement deserves our attention:

The Public's Attitude Toward the SDA Church

THIS brief summary is prepared in response to the many requests for additional information about the recently completed study of the Adventist Church by the American Institute of Public Opinion (Gallup poll). This was a profile study to test U.S. public opinion regarding the church, the public's view of the church and attitudes toward its beliefs and activities.

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