
The Inside Story of Adventism

SOME books are luxuries, others are necessities. Movement of Destiny is an ab solute necessity to anyone and everyone who would be informed on the high points of Adventist history. By his careful re search, masterly presentation and kindly handling of delicate areas of denominational growth and development, Dr. L. E. Froom has once again put us all in his debt. . .

SOME books are luxuries, others are necessities. Movement of Destiny is an ab solute necessity to anyone and everyone who would be informed on the high points of Adventist history. By his careful re search, masterly presentation and kindly handling of delicate areas of denominational growth and development, Dr. L. E. Froom has once again put us all in his debt.

Having watched the growth of this book from the first refreshing manuscript pages to the latest vital format, I can say with confidence that we have in this presentation something that will affect the outlook of every minister and worker in the Advent cause. We have long needed such a clear, concise, and accurate portrayal. It sets the record straight in many ways, but more it opens up new vistas enabling the reader to comprehend the total sweep of the Ad vent Movement from its meager beginnings to its present global impact. Our friends and even those who misunderstand us will be enabled to comprehend the divine purpose in the calling out of this people.

This is not a book you will read and lay aside. Commenting on Movement of Destiny, Dr. H. M. S. Richards of the Voice of Prophecy says, "It will certainly be kept on the constant-use shelf in my study. It is a mine of information for use in the preparation of our radio messages." And again, "It is an indispensable tool for all workers." Dr. W. G. C. Murdoch, dean of the Seminary in Andrews University, says, "This is a book for all. The youth will delight in learning of the providential leadings of the church. Those who are older will relive those heartwarming experiences of former years. The theologian and theological student will find in it a mine of information. The historian will discover many new historical facts. The preacher will be able to draw from its pages sermon material that will enrich his ministry."

Few men have had the wealth of experience in research that this author has had. Having been privileged to read care fully each page of the manuscript as it came from the author, I know the value of this timely book. As a close associate and friend for more than thirty years, I say without hesitation that this latest volume is his best. The information contained in these pages is vital to the whole movement. It is important that we understand the development of some of our vital doctrines. Such sections as the one on Arianism as it appeared in our early history, or the heavenly sanctuary as central to our message these alone are worth the price of the book. "In this age of doubt and uncertainty," declares Kenneth H. Wood, editor of the Review and Herald, Movement of Destiny brings truth into sharp focus and leaves one with the clear conviction that the Advent Movement, raised up by God, will triumph and that right soon."

Complete research has been done on such great crises in our history as the 1888 Minneapolis Conference. And it is encouraging to note that when the author touches on the failure of some leader to grasp the great concepts of the message, he handles the question with deep love and tenderness. But the reader is left in no doubt as to the issues at stake. The vital place of the Spirit of Prophecy in the Ad vent Movement as set forth in these chap ters, will thrill the reader, for certain aspects of denominational history are presented in an entirely new slant.

One of the most challenging questions that the Adventist worker faces today is, Why the long delay of the Saviour's return? Our very name is bound up with the blessed hope of the imminent appearing of our Lord and yet the years come and go. The signs of the Second Advent thicken around us. Many decades ago we were told by the messenger of the Lord that had certain conditions been met, the Lord would have been here long ago. Have we been mistaken in assuring ourselves that the Lord's coming is near, even at the door? In chapter 37 the author sums up the case for the delay and the consummation. Never in our history have we produced a book so frank and factual, yet so informative and inspirational as Movement of Destiny.

The Lord's ancient people were encouraged by the prophets to study their beginnings and especially His providential leadings in their past history. And it is imperative that we, today, do the same. Ellen G. White has well said, "We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history." The One who led the exodus movement from slavery into the Promised Land in the days of ancient Israel is today through His Word, His providences, and the Spirit of Prophecy leading a worldwide movement. A movement which by God's grace will accomplish its destiny and prepare a people to stand unashamed when He appears in the clouds of heaven with power and greatest glory.

Movement of Destiny is not just for ministers. It will appeal equally to our laymen around the world. But as ministers and teachers, we need to be informed on the vital issues that shaped our denominational concepts and policies. We are fortunate that God in His providence has permitted LeRoy Edwin Froom to complete this book, for he is a living link with our later pioneer builders.

Having discussed with our leaders around the world many of the principles and history set forth in this volume, I have some times been amazed at the meager knowledge of even prominent leaders on these vital themes. Our workers are not to be blamed, because much of this material has never before been brought together. Now we have it and it is this writer's conviction that the future workers of the Advent cause will view the movement with new confidence and courage.

This will be a textbook in most of our colleges and seminaries the world around. It will form the basis of large and small discussion groups, and all will see that the guiding hand of God has been shaping our destiny and leading the movement to its radiant climax when the whole earth will be ablaze with the glory of God's last mes sage. This book will not only increase our knowledge, it will enrich our Christian experience. We cannot afford to be without it.

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November 1970

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Reviving the Prayer Meeting

A blood transfusion is in order in all too many instances if attendance at the midweek prayer meeting is a true index of the spiritual condition of the church. That these meetings should form so unimportant a part in the life of the church is most unfortunate for a number of reasons. . .

Preach on Last-Day Events

We believe that 3 billion people are face to face with millennial oblivion! We used to preach that these things would happen; today we preach Look, they are happening! Today we see the final phase of Revelation 13 being fulfilled before our eyes. . .

Repentance, Revival, Reformation

THE call for revival is of God. The need is a revival of true godliness. This must have lived within the church, or there could be no revival. Is it not imperative then, before repentance can do its work, that we search for and find what hinders our experiencing the outpouring of the latter rain?

Are You Really Ready When Sabbath Comes?

The baths have all been taken. The shoes are standing in a neat row just inside the closet door, polished and ready to wear. The clothes are pressed. The house is shining, and from the kitchen still comes the aroma of freshly baked apple pies and homemade bread. Everything says, "Welcome, Sabbath day!"

Joshua's Long Day in the News

FOR some months several periodicals throughout the United States have published in varied forms a news report saying that astronauts and space scientists at Greenbelt, Maryland, near Washington, D.C., have discovered, by means of IBM computers, the length of the day when "the sun stood still" in the time of Joshua (Joshua 10:13, 14), and also that of the day when the Lord "brought the shadow ten degrees backward" in the reign of King Ahaz (2 Kings 20:11). . .

"One Giant Leap" for the Church (Part 1)

MEN Walk on Moon" world headlines, July 21, 1969.1 Mankind's historic achievement superbly demonstrates ancient success principles described to the church. Herein lies a message for us who face the 1970's with an infinitely more important goal than a lunar walk. . .

"I Have Set Thee a Watchman"

I WAS shown a platform, braced by solid timbers—the truths of the Word of God," the servant of the Lord once wrote. "Some . . was directing this man and that man to loosen the timbers supporting this platform."

Mystic Tongues Are Speaking (Part II)

In Part I the author made the first of four observations concerning neo-Pentecostalism: The charismatic movement owes its growth to churches that have failed and are failing their people. . .

The Seminary Accreditation

"With a view to affording Bible teachers an opportunity for advanced Bible study and research, in order that they might be better qualified to carry on their work, the plan of the Advanced Bible School was voted by the Autumn Council of 1933."

Sanctuary Truth Is Key Adventist Doctrine (Part 3)

Part III of Elder LeRoy Froom's thoughts on the Sanctuary

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