THE guidelines listed below were presented at the Autumn Council as an enlargement of the official action taken on "North America Evangelistic Crusade." The official action appears in bold type. The particulars will be worked out by committees appointed by the officers of the General Conference and should clear the way for the greatest, most imaginative advance in the history of the work in this division. We are confident that every church member will want to unite his efforts with those of the church officers and pastors and give wholehearted, enthusiastic support to this dynamic plan for evangelism in North America.
WHEREAS, The time has come for a united coordinated effort to be put forth to reach the entire population of the North American Division,
We recommend, 1. That we launch a division-wide evangelistic campaign simultaneously in North America, using churches in every city or where desirable, other facilities. This campaign is to begin on the same night with division-wide advertising materials being used to announce the meetings. All advertising materials would be identical with the exception of the place of meeting and the local speakers. This advertising is to include (a) bill boards, (b) newspaper ads, (c) special invitation, (d) radio-TV spots, (e) window cards, (/) and handbills where desired.
2. That this be a full-message evangelistic crusade and that we plan Sabbath afternoon meetings as well as special mes sages in all of our churches on Sabbath mornings during the period. Suggested beginning date, March 4, 1972.
3. That our missionary journals and the Review and Herald be asked to participate in this program by having special articles on the principal points of our faith appearing in each issue from the first of the year on or as soon after the first of the year as possible, and that these magazines be asked to carry representative announcements of the meetings, as the time approaches.
4. That our radio and TV programs be used to the maximum to help prepare for these meetings and to advertise them when they are to be launched. This would include Voice of Prophecy, Faith for Today, It Is Written, Amazing Facts, et cetera.
5. That we begin preparations for this crusade in January of 1971 by using literature distribution, gift-Bible programs, and all other approaches that the various departments have to offer in the preparation of the field for such a meeting.
6. That our literature evangelists aid in this preparation period by placing as much of our truth-filled literature as possible in the homes of the people across the division, watching especially for special interests, former members, and openings for Bible studies.
7. That camp meeting time be used to make special spiritual preparations for this campaign by revival-type messages and with prayer and study groups organized, and that special training be offered, to all members attending, in "how to do it" courses.
8. That the churches be organized into prayer groups several months before the meetings, praying for God's special blessing upon the church and for specific individuals for whom our hearts may be burdened.
9. That special efforts be put forth to prepare our churches the physical plant, as well as the attitude of our members to receive new converts and to manifest loving concern for all.
10. That there be division-wide sharing of names of interested people, former and missing members, and loved ones. These should be secured on a blank specifically printed for this purpose and our pastors and church officers are to be especially guided in making contact with every home in the church to secure the names of loved ones wherever they may be living. It is our belief that if this plan is followed, thou sands of names should be made available to us from this source. The General Conference Ministerial Association would be the clearing house for such a gathering of names.
11. That special printed messages be prepared for distribution at the close of each meeting, covering the topic presented that night. For twenty-five nights this would mean twenty-five pieces of literature. This could be the basis for the messages given with no credit being given specifically to the author so that each minister could dis- tribute this as the summation of his mes sage for the evening.
12. That the special emphasis of these meetings be on the "blessed hope" of Christ's return, the nearness of this glorious experience, and the need to be prepared for it.
13. That regular baptismal days be scheduled to coincide with the close of such a series of meetings.
14. That we explore the possibility of a special TV program to be launched division-wide, at prime time, presenting a grip ping message on the corning of Christ as the blessed hope, and announcing the meetings to be held simultaneously all over North America. (Details of this project to be studied by a committee appointed by the General Conference officers and presented to the Spring Meeting of the General Conference Committee.)
15. That capable youth and lay preachers be organized to participate in such a series of meetings so as to take advantage of the division-wide advertising and other coverage.
16. That our ministerial students, in co operation with the Bible teachers in our colleges, be involved in this program by planning evangelistic teams to go out into areas not reached by the pastors.
17. That it shall be the responsibility of each conference to work out its own schedule with men and places designated, including as far as possible the officers and departmental secretaries.
18. That a carefully developed program of follow-up be provided to the ministers so that every interest is fully developed and newly baptized people are welcomed into the church and assigned their post of duty.
19. That this program if approved, be also offered to our brethren in other English-speaking countries with the same type of materials available to them.
20. That the above outlined program be in addition to the regular program now carried on by our conferences and that it not result in any slackening of evangelistic effort during the rest of the year.
21. That the General Conference officers appoint necessary committees to work out the details of the various items suggested in this plan.
22. That a carefully developed count down program be provided the churches so that proper preparation shall be made preceding the evangelistic crusade.