As could and should be expected, public opinion is irreconcilably divided. The division is not along the lines of Christian and non-Christian belief. Even in the Christian church camp different values are assessed separately and the differences do not always fall along denominational lines. . .
Abortion Is Not The Answer
WHILE driving on the freeway between Los Angeles and the airport recently, I followed a station wagon that was packed full of children, ten by actual count. A large bumper sticker became more obvious in relation to the many passengers inside as it blurted out "Abortion is not the answer."
Abortion Guidelines
In response to the many requests for a position on the abortion issue as it relates to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the health care institutions it operates, the General Conference officers in consultation with its Department of Health have developed the following guidelines. It is recognized that these guidelines are not the final answer but perhaps can serve a useful purpose at the present time. . .
Please, Preacher--Pause!
JUST what does it take to win a soul to Jesus Christ in the sophisticated seventies?
Spiritual Overtones in the Ellen G. White Science Counsels
It is always helpful for the Seventh-day Adventist professional man or woman to keep in mind the spiritual goals of the Spirit of Prophecy writings whenever the Ellen G. White science counsels are explored.
Telephone Evangelism
FOR the past eight years we have operated a service in this city known as Dial-a- Prayer. During these years 2,750,000 calls have been made. . .
How to Be the Boss
Don't be like the leader who said, "There go my people; I must follow them, for I am their leader."
In Life-- In Death-- In Christ
It took a long time for the virus to do its deadly work. Too long. The two years of medication, hospitalization, of pain and suffering known only to the sufferer, were described by this woman of faith as a nightmare, and made her long to fall asleep in Jesus. In the prime of life, before the brush of middle age had lined her face or streaked her hair, this minister's wife was called to her final rest. And the age-old question automatically forms itself on our lips—why?
My Personal Part in the Ministry
WHEN I was asked to share something of my personal part in my husband's ministry, I thought, What do I really do to help him that is worthy of mention? There are countless things that every minister's wife probably does that are hardly significant enough to recount, like being his secretary, housekeeper, cook, et cetera. Are any of these my greatest contribution to his ministry?