TWO very profitable hours were spent in the discussion of MISSION '72 with the union presidents at Loma Linda on February 1. J. R. Spangler, M. H. Reeder, and Paul Nelson were present and clearly outlined the vital areas of the entire program. The presidents were most eager to see MISSION '72 succeed and gave wise and helpful suggestions, which are being incorporated into the plans.
Also three regional meetings with the local and union presidents were held in the early part of February. These too proved to be most beneficial. The various phases of the entire program were presented and discussed, and helpful suggestions that were made will be implemented. These meetings were called on short notice, and it was most gratifying to find that of the seventy presidents invited, only seven found it impossible to attend. In some cases others were sent by them to share in the discussion. In addition, a number of ministerial secretaries were present. The enthusiasm with which they are supporting the whole project speaks well for its future success.
The warm spirit of brotherhood and cooperation, as well as the spiritual support evident at these meetings, is just what is needed to assure maximum results. We are confident that this will also be true as the program is presented to the pastors, evangelists, and other workers in the conferences. We have never seen such a desire on the part of so many to coordinate the entire program of the church with its departments so that our true mission might be quickly fulfilled.