The Nature of the Church
TO BELONG to the church of God is a unique and soul-satisfying privilege. It is the divine purpose to gather out a people from the far corners of the earth to bind them into one body, the body of Christ, the church, of which He is the living head. All who are children of God in Christ Jesus are members of this body, and in this relationship they may enjoy fellowship with each other, and fellowship also with their Lord and Master."
The Mission of the Church
The church's mission is to participate in God's own mission. Itself the fruit of God's mission of love, the church is God's agency for the salvation of men, an instrument to carry the gospel into all the world and to gather men from every nation into the one household of God, a living image of God, which reflects His fullness and sufficiency through unselfish love, service, and a holy walk of life. . .
400 Won in Bogota Crusade (Conclusion)
MAN'S best-laid plans to fulfill the gospel commission often seem to fail be cause of the devil's opposition. Yet, God's foreknowledge makes ample provision to turn the adversary's schemes into an additional plus for His work. . .
The Stubborn Dilemma of Church Music
ON A visit to Oxford University I was met at the station by an undergraduate who was to be my host during my stay. He was tall and slim, had long black hair, and carried a rolled umbrella. He was the epitome of good taste and Christian devotion. . .
The Challenge of Islam (Part 2)
MODERN Islam is divided into two main groups, the Sunnis and Shiis, 1 and into a number of subgroups too numerous to detail here. This fact will surprise some who think of Islam as one united religion. Sects in Islam usually sprang from personal or political differences with the main body of a group rather than from theological disagreements. Such differences as do exist are, for the non-Muslim nonscholar, rather minor. . .
The Doctor and the Drug Question
"There are many ways of practicing the healing art, but there is only one way that Heaven approves. God's remedies are the simple agencies of nature that will not tax or debilitate the system through their powerful properties. . ."
The Lord's Supper
THE communion service is the most sacred and deeply spiritual of all the services of the church. Its quarterly observance should be anticipated with expectant joy. The preparatory service, washing one another's feet, is a work of cleansing. The Lord's Supper that follows is to be an expression of gratitude and praise for forgiveness and salvation. . .
Your Attitude Is Showing
DEAR JESUS, help me to be sweet and kind and good!" This lovely prayer came from the lips of my five-year-old niece. It was not just a one-time prayer, but an everyday request that made a deep impression on me. . .