Reach Out Meetings in St. Stephen's Church

ABOUT a year and a half ago a new church was organized in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Because the people composing this group did not have their own place of worship, arrangements were made for them to meet in rented quarters of St. Stephen's United church. Relations with this church were very friendly and congenial. . .

-Lay Activities Secretory, Alberta Conference

ABOUT a year and a half ago a new church was organized in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Because the people composing this group did not have their own place of worship, arrangements were made for them to meet in rented quarters of St. Stephen's United church. Relations with this church were very friendly and congenial.

When church leaders were approached in the fall for permission to erect a sign advertising the Seventh-day Adventist services, the pastor and board gave hearty approval. Furthermore, when arrangements were being made for MISSION '72 Reach Out for Life meetings it was agreed that the meetings could be conducted in their church.

The meetings were held by Pastor George Knowles, Ministerial secretary of the Canadian Union, and Monty Jones, Ministerial secretary of the local conference. The Reach Out for Life handbill announcing the meetings indicated that they were being held in St. Stephen's United church.

During the course of the meetings, which ran from April 6 through April 28, fifty-six people were added to the church through baptism. The baptisms began on the second Friday night of the series, with additional baptisms on each of the succeeding Friday nights.

One problem presented itself in relation to the baptisms: St. Stephen's did not have a baptistery. However, Monty Jones, with the help of others, built a very nice portable one that was placed directly in front of the podium. This baptistery was left in position in the church throughout the meetings.

The United church minister reported a bit of embarrassment during his Sunday morning service from having the large baptismal tank directly in front of him while he preached. While he was conducting a catechism class in the church one Sunday afternoon some of the young people asked what it was all about. He explained that Seventh-day Adventists were using the church for special meetings and needed the tank for baptisms. Reporting on this discussion later to Pastor Jones, he said, "Really, this is the only sound and logical method of baptism."

The impressive Friday night baptisms formed an important part of the meetings. At each of them Pastor Knowles would extend the invitation to others.

Of those baptized at the writing of this account, 35 have united with the South Edmonton church and 20 with the North Edmonton English church.

The Lord blessed richly in these meetings, as He did in many other meetings held in the Alberta Conference. We believe that this year we probably will double our baptisms for the conference.

-Lay Activities Secretory, Alberta Conference

September 1972

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THE spring phase of MISSION '72 is over. The results have been most encouraging. The North Pacific Union states that by the end of June as many or more will have been baptized as were baptized in any previous full year. . .

Cooking Schools Augment Reach Out Meetings

YOU CAN QUOTE ME, a radio program similar to Face the Nation, is aired over radio station WFHR/WWRW-FM in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. The panelists during our twenty-eight-minute unrehearsed taped interview were Debbie Bennett, Scott McIntosh, and Cliff Borden, the moderator and news director of the station. . .

The Role of the Adventist Woman

The Editor in Imagination Interviews Ellen G. White on the Subject of the role of Adventist Women. . .

The Medford Story

THE Reach Out for Life campaign in Medford, Oregon, began in October, 1971, when Pastor Taylor Morris, associate pastor, began to use the prayer meeting service as a training class for lay Bible instructors. The next step of preparation was to organize the board of elders and deacons as parish pastors. After this was done the church membership was divided into parishes of ten families each. A lay pastor was assigned to each parish for visitation and pastoral care. . .

Ministers' Meetings in the Euro-Africa Division

FOUR important and profitable ministers' meetings were held in Southern Europe during the month of April. They were held especially to give prayerful and earnest study to four basic objectives: first, the study of righteousness by faith; second, the unique mission and message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the world today; third, methods of evangelism that are proving successful; and fourth, the minister and his ministry in MISSION '73 and '74. . .

Charles E. Weniger on Preaching (Conclusion)

THE concept of identification and the principle of "assuming the position" held an important place in Weniger's approach to oral reading as applied to ministers. . .

The Doctor and the Drug Question (Conclusion)

IF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT1STS had a one-hundred-year history of using only rational treatment methods, many in the scientific world would now be in a position to appreciate and perhaps slightly envy us. Such a history would have consisted of total membership commitment to the Spirit of Prophecy principles of health reform and commitment by physicians to totally rational and efficacious treatment methods. . .

The Challenge of Islam (Part 4)

NO APPROACH to soul winning will fit every prospect. Although the only object of the one searching for souls may be to share his faith, what he does may irritate some. Even oral and printed reports may be lifted from their context and cause bitterness. Good deeds may be construed as inspired by evil or ulterior motives. Some have seen conversion as the sole end of all humanitarian actions. . .

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