
God Made My Decision

LITTLE did I realize just how important these words would become to me! How desperately I clung to them as the events of 1968-1969 unfolded!

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Human Variation

PEOPLE are different. Differences can be observed, for instance, in a number of individual characteristics such as personal perspectives or ways of looking at life, as well as individual life goals and achievements. We also observe differences that have to do with the human body, such as body build, skin color, hair color, and whether or not the hair is straight, wavy, or curly, as well as other characteristics. There is no question but that such variations do exist. . .

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Doctor-Minister Team in Hartford, Michigan

IT IS possible to have a real sense of teamwork between the medical profession and the ministry," asserts Pastor Paul Cannon, assistant professor of religion at Andrews University and one of the directors of a two-week evangelistic series held in 1971 in Hartford, Michigan, which featured dual emphasis on physical and spiritual healing. . .

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The Seventh-day Adventist Worker and Modern Theology

ONE disturbing feature that is almost universal in its influence is the weight that some of our workers place on the statements of modern theologians. Although we should be aware of and conversant with their pronouncements, it is evident to me that we should place more emphasis on the statements of the Scripture and the writings of the servant of the Lord. . .

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Awake! and Strengthen What Remains

WHILE visiting in the home of friends I happened to find a conference directory. This directory had the names of all the churches in the conference, the number of members in each church, and the district in which each was located. . .

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After Baptism, What?

PASTOR and his wife invited a young couple to their home for Sabbath dinner after the morning service that had featured their baptism. Shortly after dinner the couple politely excused themselves with the remark, "We had better go on home. There probably will be folks from the church stopping by this afternoon." Needless to say, the pastor did what most others would have done he called several of the members of the church suggesting they go by and call on the new members. . .

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The Essence of New Testament Preaching (Part I)

WHAT was the nature of New Testament preaching that called forth the power and glory of New Testament faith? How is authentic New Testament preaching distinguished from a religious lecture or an impassioned exhortation? What should one expect of a sermon? What is its purpose? How should the preacher under stand his own relationship to the sermon? What is the "truth" that is to be proclaimed?

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The Deaconess and the Communion Service (Part I)

I HAVE always considered deaconesses to be the older, staid, mother-in-Israel type women of the church, those to whom we younger women look upon with great admiration and awe; therefore, when asked to be head deaconess this year, I was almost speechless, feeling unworthy and unqualified. However, with a prayer that God would help me answer this challenge, I accepted. I decided that as head deaconess I should know more about communion services, because they would be my most important responsibility. What I learned has been very helpful to me, and I hope it will be helpful to other deaconesses as well. . .

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That Dirty Pig!

ALTHOUGH much has been written about the pig and the reasons why it is classed as an unclean animal particularly abhorred by the Lord, I verily believe that the last word has not yet been scribed on the subject. Although I have lived for thirty years among the primitive people of New Guinea, I still find it a source of wonder as to why these people cling so tenaciously to this degrading quadruped. . .

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No Need for Mediocrity

HOW do we measure up in our ministerial career? Are we the ministers we want to be or that God wants us to be? Are we seeing steady advancement in our usefulness and service to God? Our example is Christ, and by His grace we should be becoming more and more like Him in life and labor. . .

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