Famous Last Words
LUDICROUS in the light of reason, but in the light of history, sublime . . ." is the way one expositor described the missionary proclamation of the risen Christ, recorded for us in the closing paragraphs of St. Matthew's gospel. The ex-taxation man pushed aside his inkhorn and laid down his stylus at that. . .
It Is Time To Say It
THE time has come for our ministers to speak out specifically on wills, trusts, and legacies. Not in pressure but in sound education of the church. And it should come from the pulpit and from the counseling room. . .
Spank That Child!
FROM the East Coast to the West Coast and from the Canadian border to the Mexican border we have permissiveness in Government, in courts, in schools, and in the homes. But permissiveness is not a new thing. It goes back, way back to Old Testament times. . .
That Two-Syllable Word
PEOPLE who speak (and who doesn't?) often use a mangled word that is so overworked that it becomes annoying and objectionable. I refer to the perfectly good word and. to which the second syllable a or uh has been added. . .
"The Minister's Call. . . And How to Ruin It"
THERE is one who leaves his family, possessions, and the safety of his home daily. He rises early in the morning, prepares himself for the day's toil and shoves his frail craft into the salty Atlantic. He has one goal for the day: he will catch fish. He is the Brazilian fisherman, o pescador. All along South America's vast coast lie tiny fishing villages, their shores lined.with seafaring vessels of every sort. . .
Common Folk?
GORDON is a hyperactive business man in his early forties. He spends the winter in Weiser, Idaho. Summertime finds him with his family and crew contracting for the Forest Service in eastern Oregon. His enthusiasm and love for Christ add sparkle to his eyes and spread from his grin like a contageous disease. . .
Academy of Adventist Ministers
THE South-west Region Conference was privileged to sponsor the Academy of Adventist Ministers, May 14-19, at Richardson, Texas. The lectures were held at the union office and every courtesy was extended by the union officers to help make this seminar one of the finest to be held anywhere. . .
Put That New Convert to Work
ONE question often discussed in church nominating committee meetings is whether or not to elect a new member to office, or how soon he should be involved in definite responsibilities in the church. Some feel that as a matter of encouragement a new member should be given some office as soon as possible after baptism; others feel that he should be in the church at least a full year before holding office. . .
We Work In Alaska
Today I'm writing inside a comfortable little cabin at Gambell on Saint Lawrence Island near Siberia. Outside a storm is up. Wind is blowing snow through cracks in the door. It is sifting like flour over things in the porch. The chimney is shaking, pulling on the guy wires that anchor it to the roof. Hardly anyone is going out The date is May 18 and the weather is about normal. . .