YES, ANNETTE . . . But it's bigger, wider, deeper than ours. It is as tall as His mind can create, as wide as His arms can reach, and as deep as His love can touch. It spreads its galaxies like a tree--branches of shining stars flung out in space like moonlit pine boughs. And at the end of each He has hung a glowing world. And God moves between the branches and polishes each planet that glorifies the heavens. 1
Once He placed a blue-white ball on His cosmic tree. That planet was our earth; new, pure, and perfect. God so loved that special jewel that He paused each seventh day to touch it with His glory. 2
One day the tree of heaven shook! A fallen star had hit this planet and shattered it.3 Tears were in the eyes of God as He stooped to pick up the pieces.4 Because it was too precious to cast away, God determined to restore it. That no fragment need be lost, God's fingers pick the centuries away, reclaiming each piece that will yield to His gentle touch. Then He lays those pieces at the feet of Jesus, His Son.
And where might Jesus begin to restore the shattered ball? Time and circumstance met Him at a manger. Baby fingers fitted the first pieces together. 5 Blood-spattered hands added more at Calvary.
Jesus grew up to walk among people as He had walked among His planets. He brought rest to the tired, sad, and angry hearts of mankind. He touched lepers, He wept with those who thought death ended everything. He brought people out of the prison of guilt and gave them their freedom by forgiving and forgetting. 6
He never did any of the bad things we always do. He did all the good things you'd expect God to do. He loved people He still does all kinds of people. Each one forms a part of the whole. Everybody is important to Him.
Soon again God will pick up His hallowed earth and hang it, not on a branch, but at the top of the tree. 7 The Bible says His people one day will shine like the stars of heaven.8 Our earth will be the home of God and a planet of perpetual happiness. 9 And He wants us all there.
Even our loved ones, Mamma, . . . and our friends? Yes, darling, especially them!
1. Col. 1:16.
2. Gen. 2:1-3.
3. Rev. 12:7-9, 12.
4. Luke 19:41.
5. Luke 2:10-12.
6. John 3:16, 17.
7. Isa. 65:17.
8. Dan. 12:1-3.
9. Rev. 21:1-3; 22:1-7.