"Let Marble Crumble This Is Living Stone!"
PIONEER medical missionary David Livingstone came to the end of his African safaris one hundred years ago, on May 1, 1873. He died alone, on his knees, in a temporary shelter near the shore of Lake Bangweulu in Northern Zambia. . .
So You're Up For Ordination!
WHAT is the significance of ministerial ordination in the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Is it the church's recognition of a divine call to "preach the word" (2 Tim. 4:2), or is it simply a recognition of faithful service? Should a man who is not a full-time preacher be ordained to preach? Should we ordain institutional workers, teachers, doctors, departmental men, and conference officers whose primary work is not preaching?
The Dating of the Book of Daniel Part 1
THE Seventh-day Adventist doctrinal structure is at several points similar to a spider's web suspended from a single vital strand. For example, our doctrinal distinctiveness lies in eschatology, and our traditional positions here are dependent upon the validity of the year-day principle and the sixth-century dating of Daniel. Concerning the former I have previously written in The Ministry, 1 and it is the purpose of the present article to consider the latter. . .
A Song in the Night
WE HAD finished two evangelistic campaigns in the Honduras Mission and were driving hard to reach the ferry that would take us back to our home territory of Newfoundland. . .
Why I Don't Keep a Notebook
UNTIL twelve years ago my wife and I kept in notebooks the quotations, notes, thoughts, and ideas that we wanted to save. Since then we have discovered a method of filing that has proved to be superior. We file valuable bits of information on 4- by 6-inch slips of paper or cards. . .
Another Look at Armageddon
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS have spent a great deal of time studying, discussing, and puzzling over the question of Armageddon. The more adventurous continue to probe the subject even though it be with the greatest respect, caution, and reservation. In harmony with this posture, we humbly offer the following exposition. . .
Darwin's Error
IN A letter to Joseph Hooker on January 11, 1844, Charles Darwin wrote: "I was so struck with the distribution of the Galapagos organisms . . . that I determined to collect blindly every sort of fact, which could bear any way on what are species. ... At last gleams of light have come, and I am almost convinced, quite contrary to the opinion I started with, that species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable. . ."
The Great Need of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is not only to sanctify but to convict. No one can repent of his sins until he is convicted of his guilt. How necessary, then, it is that we should have the Holy Spirit with us as we labor to reach fallen souls. Our human abilities will be exercised in vain unless they are united with this heavenly agency. . .
Adventist Health Evangelism Today
HEALTH has been emphasized as a cardinal feature of Adventist theology for more than one hundred years. The first health message of the church was given by Inspiration in 1848. By 1893 our founders' interest led to the development of the International Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association. . .
Inasmuch--A Parable
AND it came to pass in those days that there dwelt in a certain land ten honest and goodly men, filled with learning from the schools of the prophets. And as their forefathers had done in generations past, they went forth from the schools of the prophets to proclaim with much zeal the day of the Lord and to do good works. . .