
"Take Heed to the Ministry"

DR. RICHARD HAMMILL'S concluding challenge in his expository study of Colossians at the recent Bible Conference conducted at Pacific Union College is especially directed toward the ministry of this church. His appeal centered around Paul's words recorded in verse 17 of the last chapter of this Epistle. . .

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A Time of Dividing Ahead

FELLOW LEADERS, a time of shaking is just ahead! The Word of God foretells it. The Lord's last-day messenger confirms it. The experience will be a traumatic one indeed, for we will see some shaken out of this message in whom we had great confidence. There will be others whom we felt were weak in faith who will stand like rocks. You and I as leaders in His church need to be prepared for the days ahead. . .

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Well-planned Witnessing

It seems strange that this plan of territorial assignment breaks down at the local church level the very area where great efficiency is needed if "every creature" is to hear the message. We are faced with a situation at the local church level similar to what we might expect in a local conference if the president failed to as sign specific territorial responsibility to the ministers. . .

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The Adventist Emphasis

A REALISTIC look at the billions of human population in the world today may prove somewhat dis heartening to anyone who believes that Seventh-day Adventists have a message to give to the world. Christianity as a whole is losing rather than gaining dominance among world religions (numerically speaking), and Seventh-day Adventists must be reckoned but a "drop in the bucket" among Christians as a whole. . .

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The Growth-Line Method of Age Dating

"The [Adventist] church recognizes that the creationist position faces some very difficult problems. . . . There is the problem of the age rings on clamshells. . . . on some fossil clams [these] seem to indicate that these clams were living on the earth 450 million years ago--just as the evolutionists insist they did."1 This quotation is from one of at least two articles 1, 2 in recent Adventist literature that have referred to clam growth rings as a difficult problem for creationists. What are these rings? How are they used in age dating? Are they a serious problem for those who accept the book of Genesis as historically accurate?

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"How Long, O God?"

THE monumental pillar upon which an atheist hangs his doubts is the existence of evil. If there is a good God, why doesn't He do something about the tragedies of existence? Why is He indifferent to sorrow, pain, war, poverty, and the like?

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The Cross in the 2300 Days

AS A CHURCH we take proper pride in the fact that Christ is the glorious center of every doctrine and tenet of our faith. We dare not preach any message unless it bears in visible prominence the impress of the cross. The power of Paul's ministry derived from his constant exaltation of the cross. . .

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Target 80--The Bold Adventure

TARGET 80 involves the application of modern management principles to church growth and strategy. It has really captured the imagination of our administrators and departmental leaders throughout the Far Eastern Division. We have already begun to see a strong upward turn since launching this eight-year evangelistic thrust. Many areas have had more baptisms this year than for the same period in 1973. . .

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The Return of the Jews

TODAY the state of Israel exists as a nation in Palestine, and approximately one sixth of the world's Jewish population reside there as citizens of the country. The establishment of the Jewish state of Israel has become a fact of modern history. . .

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Adventist Mission: After a Hundred Years

AFTER a hundred years of over seas mission the Adventist Church has grown from a small community of about 6,000 believers in 1874 to a worldwide movement of nearly 2.4 million believers to day; from an exclusively America-based group to a universal church, 80 percent of whose members now live outside North America. And, if the present differences in the annual growth rates continue, ten years from now approximately 85 percent of the Adventist world membership will be found in countries outside North America. . .

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