The Adventist Chaplain

WHAT responsibility does the modern Adventist hospital have for the spiritual health of its patients? Is our present responsibility any different from the original plan given by God in the Spirit of Prophecy for our health institutions? What is the place of the chaplain in our medical institutions? How is he to go about his work? And last, but surely not least, what would Jesus do if called upon to minister in the Adventist hospital today?

-chaplain at Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital, Hinsdale, Illinois at the time this article was written

WHAT responsibility does the modern Adventist hospital have for the spiritual health of its patients? Is our present responsibility any different from the original plan given by God in the Spirit of Prophecy for our health institutions? What is the place of the chaplain in our medical institutions? How is he to go about his work? And last, but surely not least, what would Jesus do if called upon to minister in the Adventist hospital today?

In searching for answers to such questions as these, I turned to such books as Medical Ministry, The Ministry of Healing, and Counsels on Health. I would like to share with you some of the answers I found.

First, it's more than clear that our institutions are to emphasize the spiritual, as well as the physical, health of the patients. If this is neglected we are remiss in our duty. We are not following Christ's example and consequently are guilty of depriving the patients of great blessings. As Christians, we must never cease to emphasize the necessity of a strong religious influence in our hospitals. If this is not adequately done we will learn from bitter experience that "in places where a rich harvest might be gathered for God there is seen a dearth" (Medical Ministry, p. 195).

Seventh-day Adventist institutions are here for one purpose, and one purpose alone. Not only are they to care for the physical needs of the patients but are to bring people into contact with the Great Physician, to bring knowledge of the principles of healthful living, and to point out the special truths for this time. If the truth is rightly represented those who patronize our institutions will learn much regarding its principles, and many will be converted. On the other hand, if it is improperly represented our witness fails, thereby contradicting the very object of the existence of Adventist medical institutions.

Consequently, the chaplain must be careful how he goes about presenting his work and message, being sure he does not inadvertently manifest a "holier than thou" attitude, which might crush and discourage the patient to whom he ministers. The worker will always, of course, show tact, be careful in pointing out errors, and ever inquire, "How would Jesus do it?"

A Word in Season

One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is found in the book Medical Ministry: "Strive to arouse men and women from their spiritual insensibility. Tell them how you found Jesus, and how blessed you have been since you gained an experience in His service. Tell them what blessing comes to you as you sit at the feet of Jesus, and learn precious lessons from His word. Tell them of the gladness and joy that are found in the Christian life. Your warm, fervent words will convince them that you have found the pearl of great price. Let your cheerful, encouraging words show that you have certainly found the higher education. This is genuine missionary work, and as it is done, many will awake as from a dream." --Medical Ministry, p. 332.

Ellen G. White also tells us that "often we miss the most precious blessings by neglecting to speak a word in season. If the golden opportunity is not watched for, it will be lost. At the bedside of the sick no word of creed or controversy should be spoken. Let the sufferer be pointed to the One who is willing to save all that come to Him in faith. . . . Tell the story of the Redeemer's love. . . . Speak from experience of the power of repentance and faith. In simple, earnest words . . . present the soul's need to God in prayer and . . . encourage the sick one also to ask for and accept the mercy of the com passionate Saviour. As he ministers . . . , striving to speak words that will bring help and comfort, the Lord works with him." The Ministry of Healing, pp. 120, 121.

Whenever hearts are open to receive the truth, Christ is ready to instruct them. As chaplains, we are to do the same; not pressing our selves or our message upon them, but patiently and cheerfully seizing upon every opportunity to present the truth in a way that will bring comfort and encouragement. We are to regard all men as brethren, entering into their feelings as we present the truth in its simplicity.

We should not be satisfied just to reflect the feelings of the patients or try to get them to talk about themselves and their fears. Instead, Ellen G. White instructs us in The Ministry of Healing and Medical Ministry to:

Draw from them thoughts of gratitude and thanksgiving.

Life up their thoughts to Jesus.

Plant in their minds uplifting and ennobling thoughts.

Recite comforting words that Christ spoke.

Speak of the hope of the gospel.

Hold up before them the promises of God's word.

Teach them to expect large things of faith and prayer.

Remind them of their responsibility in health reform.

In implementing these principles, the chaplain can aid the patient in many ways. By showing small kindnesses he can communicate his interest. As he visits in the sickroom, there may be some to whom, because of pain or sickness or perhaps even language difficulties, he can only show kindness by applying a cold wash cloth, opening their mail for them, straightening the pillow or moving the bedside table closer; perhaps offering a short prayer. These acts of kindness, or even just being there, are often more important than anything he might say.

Establishing Confidence

On entering the room I introduce myself as the chaplain and mention to a presurgery patient that I like to get around to see everyone before they go in for surgery. This sometimes relieves the tension of why I have come. Sometimes, when he hears the chaplain has come to see him, the patient may become fearful, asking himself, "Did someone ask him to come, or is my situation really that serious?" I also let the other patients know that a chaplain tries to visit every room.

Sitting down may help the patient feel at ease. Such questions as, "Have you been here long?" "Have you been here before?" "Did you have pain, or are you here just for tests?" "Are they helping you feel better?" are possible ways of gaining information that could indicate the person's problem or his desire to verbalize his need. I do not ask them what their symptoms are or what operation they are having. Many will volunteer the information when asked, "Will you be here long?"

I also try to establish confidence by showing an interest in them and their families by asking such questions as:

"Who at home are you concerned about?"

"Is grandma taking care of the children?"

"How many children do you have?"

In response to this last question they often state concerns about their children. This gives an opportunity to say something like the following:

"We have so much to be thankful for, don't we? What a privilege to have a little part in creation to see them grow and mature. If we could only respond to our heavenly Father as we would like them to respond to us. Children have so many pressures these days."

We talk about their homes, companionship, how husband and wife complement each other. We may touch on the heartache of divorce or talk about their pets or even their neighbors. We do any thing we can to bring a little sunshine into their lives and establish confidence.

They will ask many times about my family also, thus giving me an opportunity to express how good God has been to me.

There are usually flowers and cards in the room. We mention how nice it is to be remembered and to know that someone is thinking about them. I sometimes remark about how God could have made all the flowers of one color or shape, but He didn't, because He loves us. I often quote the lines from the first pages of Steps to Christ about the flowers and the beauties around us being messages of His love.

It is good to have several books in the patients' rooms. At times when no other spiritual approach seems possible their attention can be called to Steps to Christ, and how it is translated into 100 languages. I have found that Life at Its Best or the book His Name Was David, which tells about David Paulson, the founder of one of our hospitals, can create opportunities to share our faith.

The chaplain is always on the lookout for those in the room who may be listening when he is talking to a patient, such as a nurse, visitors, or other patients. They can be included when an appropriate prayer is offered. Many times a Bible text and prayer can sum up the discussion, inspire confidence, and actually lead to a manifestation of divine power in their behalf.

The chaplain does his best to fulfill the commission Jesus gave His disciples throughout the ages. We are not here as merely public relations men, counselors, or healers (as important as these are), but to lead men and women to the Saviour.

-chaplain at Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital, Hinsdale, Illinois at the time this article was written

April 1975

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