Playing With Fire!

"Why did I do it? Oh, why did I do it?" he sobbed. "I knew it was wrong, I-I-I knew it was wrong, but somehow I couldn't break it off. It was like, like some strange bewitchment. I couldn't free myself, I-I-I " Pastor Fallen's voice trailed off into another spasm of tears as he buried his head in his hands and wept. . .

-president of the General Conference at the time this article was written

THE BIG man's frame shook with emotion.

"Why did I do it? Oh, why did I do it?" he sobbed. "I knew it was wrong, l-l-l knew it was wrong, but somehow I couldn't break it off. It was like, like some strange bewitchment. I couldn't free myself, l-l-l " Pastor Fallen's voice trailed off into another spasm of tears as he buried his head in his hands and wept.

"What will Helen think? How can I tell her? Will she forgive me?" he sobbed again. "She may hate me! And my daughters oh, they will be so ashamed! How will they ever be able to face their friends, know ing their dad has disgraced them so!"

There was a fresh outburst of tears. Elder Fallen was sorry deeply sorry now. There was no question about it. Now that his sin was discovered he realized the implications of his guilt and its con sequences. He was badly shaken. He was repentant, but his repentance came seven months too late to save him to save his ministry, his family, his self-respect.

Fellow workers, in recent years we have lost too many of our hard working colleagues because of sin in the heart, as well as sin in the camp. Too many have fallen victim to the "lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes" (1 John 2:16). The seventh commandment has been their nemesis. They are no longer with us!

Souls Are Lost

Some years ago an encouraging evangelistic crusade was in progress in the capital city of a land just opening up to the three angels' messages. It was a difficult field. Much prayer and tears and money had gone into the preparatory work for the effort. The meetings, though not thronged with seekers for truth, were developing hopefully. Twenty-two souls were preparing for baptism.

Then the bottom dropped out of the whole campaign. There was whispering among the newly interested people. The evangelist was a fine speaker, but he seemed to be paying undue attention to one of the young women attending the meetings. One evening when meeting time came neither he nor the young woman could be found.

Not only were his wife and children heartbroken but the interested people in the baptismal class became disillusioned and angry. Was this the kind of fruit the new message they had been drinking in really produced? The meetings col lapsed. Another worker was hurried to the city to pick up the pieces---but a letdown like this left very few pieces to be gathered. A few souls were saved, but most gave up in disgust---because of sin in the camp!

It is sad but it is true that other similar experiences have happened in other communities where violation of the seventh commandment damaged an interest or split a church. Sin in the camp means souls lost to the church and to the kingdom.

Enchanted Ground

Not a single one of us is safe from this alluring temptation. We are all human---very human. Rank or position is no protection against this insidious approach of the tempter---some mighty men among us have fallen (and caused many others to lose confidence and ultimately their way also). We are all in danger---no matter how impeccable our past record may be. Our only safety is in the moment-by-moment keeping power of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I have been heartsick in recent years to see men whom I have loved and respected fall before the wiles of the evil one. There have been too many other cases borderline experiences, outwardly "only indiscretions" if there is such a thing as "only indiscretion." Strong suspicion follows men whose stories left too many unanswered questions, too many unexplained situations short of proved or confessed adultery. These men must live with their consciences and someday face their God in final judgment.

Sin in the camp---even in the life of one man is---bound to bring reproach upon the cause of God!

The distraught voice on the other end of my line pleaded tear fully, "Please help him, Elder, you are the only one who can. He won't listen to me!" Then the wife poured out her story. Her husband, a man I loved in Christ Jesus, occupied a prominent position in the church. But a strange infatuation with a young woman had enmeshed his affections.

"Everyone is looking at me and feeling sorry for me," the voice on the telephone wept. "How can I face my children, my neighbors, the church members? Oh, Elder, can't you do something to help him--and me?"

Fortunately, in this case, with the Lord's help I could and I did help the man. The home was saved, but I am not sure that full confidence or respect was ever restored. Unfaithfulness is a wound that is hard to heal.

Many, many stories I know do not end up so fortunately. Unfaithfulness to the marriage vow, the breaking up of homes, sometimes ending in divorce courts, leave a numbing shame, a lasting blight, on the lives of children and the innocent spouse. This cross they are forced to bear all because there was sin in the camp.

Confidence Shattered

"How do you expect us to have confidence in our leadership after the last two have let us down?" the laymen wrote to me after men had been removed from office as the result of charges of indiscretion or the violation of the seventh commandment. "How do we know that the next man who steps into office isn't having an affair with some woman too? How do we know our pastor isn't stepping out on his wife?"

It is a sad fact that when a man of the cloth falls, his fellow ministers suffer also; they too become suspect. Confidence in leadership is eroded. I thank God that I know the very high percentage of our ministry is composed of men of God without a blemish on their records. But let me say to those who may be playing with fire in some apparently "innocent" affair, you may well cause questions to arise in the minds of the laity about the conduct of your brethren in the ministry.

The experience of David with its sequel may well be true today. "By this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme" (2 Sam. 12:14).

"The deportment of a minister of Christ . . . [can give] gossiping tongues facts as subject matter to discuss." --Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 236.

Sin in the camp breaks down confidence, both inside and outside the church!

It Makes Men Liars

One aspect of this problem that is most tragic is the fact that those caught up in the kind of situation we're dealing with, so often add the sin of falsehood to that of adultery. In spite of seemingly overwhelming evidence, I have seen men refuse to admit that they have done anything wrong.

Years later some have admitted to me that not only did they break the seventh commandment but also the ninth in their attempt to cover up.

There is something about a minister's becoming involved in immorality that seems to make it difficult for him to admit to him self, as well as to others, that he has really done that which has destroyed his influence in the church.

A man who is playing with sin is no man for leadership in God's church today! How can he call sin by its right name if his feet too are standing on slippery places? How can a pastor, a teacher, a president, a local elder, rid his church, his school, his conference, of sin if his life is guilty before God?

David's leadership was greatly impaired after his sin, despite his subsequent wholehearted repentance. 1 have already quoted Nathan's word to the fallen king in 2 Samuel 12:14. The Lord's messenger makes this tragic comment on David's later leadership: "A sense of his guilt kept him silent when he should have condemned sin; it made his arm feeble to execute justice." --Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 723.

"I could not go to Elder Blank for help with my problem," one man wrote to me, "for he is having the same problem in his life. He can't be any help to me!"

How sad! How tragic! leaders who should be in a position to help members and fellow workers out of the traps of sin impotent because they themselves are trapped on Satan's enchanted ground! Sin in the camp binds the hands of leaders. For God's sake, and with His unfailing help, let us stay off Satan's enchanted pre serves !

Elder Neglected turned to a younger woman in the mission field for understanding and too-close companionship. I witnessed some of the little intimacies with my own eyes, but as a beginning worker I held my peace. (Later, with more experience, I learned what to do in such cases.) There were no charges of immorality, as far as I ever knew, but soon this man was on his way home---in disgrace.

The cause of God was deprived of needed leadership, the coffers of God were robbed of funds that might have been used to evangelize dark areas with the message. Money, desperately needed for evangelism, was diverted to send a worker home who had misbehaved. Who knows the full amount of money thus spent at home and abroad because there was sin in the camp?

Sin in the Camp of Israel

We know well the story of the two "A's" Achan and Ai. The sin was covetousness not adultery. But sin is reprehensible in God's sight, whatever it is!

Though they were God's people and He loved them, He was greatly displeased that in the day of triumph disobedience was found among them. "The anger of the Lord was kindled against the children of Israel" (Joshua 7:1). When they over-confidently at tacked the village of Ai they were ignominiously defeated. The rout of the Israelites was as complete as their previous victories had been decisive.

The Lord concisely summed up His controversy with His people in three words, "Israel hath sinned" (verse 11). Sin is a separator it separates man from his God. Sin is a deceiver it makes man feel strong when he is weak. Sin is a robber it robs God's people of power in an hour of crisis. So it was in the experience of Achan. For the sin of one man the whole nation came under the indictment of God.

Then came an earnest call for repentance, for revival, for spiritual renewal "Up, sanctify the people, and say, Sanctify your selves against tomorrow: for thus saith the Lord God of Israel, There is an accursed thing in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you" (verse 13).

"These things . . . are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come" (1 Cor. 10:11).

I want to lift up my voice in an earnest appeal, a warning that none will misunderstand, so that anyone "playing with fire" will read and prayerfully turn from the enchanted ground of sin.

God is calling for workers and leaders with clean hands and pure hearts, men and women who know the bounteous grace of Christ and have overcome sin in their lives. "We are nearing the judgment, and those who bear the message of warning to the world must have clean hands and pure hearts. They must have a living connection with God."---Testimonies to Ministers, p. 426.

That we must be ever on guard against the subtle attacks of the evil one is inherent in these words of the prophet: "Recent painful developments of evil are one of the greatest evidences we have that the end is near." --Ibid.

God Condemns

"Destroy the accursed from among you"! God commanded in Achan's day (see Joshua 7:12). "Cleanse the camp, for there is an accursed thing in it." --Ibid., p. 428.

It matters not what position the offender may occupy, God condemns the sin of impurity. "Cleanse the camp of this moral corruption, if it takes the highest men in the highest positions. God will not be trifled with." Ibid., p. 427. Sin is not to be tolerated even among the highest ranks of God's people. "God will not be trifled with."

"When men and women of large experience, who have been considered patterns of piety, are revealed in their true character unsanctified, unholy, impure in thought, debased in conduct then it is time for such to be dealt with in a decided manner."--Ibid., p. 426.

Sin in the camp does not excuse the person in the highest office!

My message to Seventh-day Adventist workers around the world today is an appeal for purity ---an appeal for ever-present watchfulness, to avoid Satan's en chanted ground!

Hands Off, Brethren, Hands Off!

I see men "innocently" placing their hands on women not their wives. Brethren, keep your hands where they belong! It will help you keep off temptation's ground!

Beware even in your pastoral counseling. Satan will take ad vantage of every unguarded moment. It may sound "ancient," it may be "unprofessional," and even be labeled "ridiculous" in this sophisticated age to insist that your wife be with you when you are counseling those of the opposite sex, but let me tell you it is still the safest course to follow. I've known too many workers whose moral bona fides have been called into question because of compromising situations in which they found themselves.

Remember, there are some circumstances under which married men would not normally be giving Bible studies to women! Your best logic would not convince your fellow workers that you were only "trying to help her" be hind that closed door, or in that car alone with her.

The wise man warns: "Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? And one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent" (Prov. 6:27-29).

Unwise association, innocent though it may appear, may easily be the forerunner of sin in the camp!

In an evil age God calls for clean workers: "Be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord" (Isa. 52:11). "Abstain from all appearance of evil" (1 Thess. 5:22). The Amplified New Testament records the apostle's words: "Abstain from evil shrink from it and keep aloof from it in whatever form or whatever kind it may be" (1 Thess. 5:22).

Barclay lays it down, "Keep yourselves well away from every kind of evil," and Dr. Phillips para phrases Paul's words cogently, "Steer clear of evil in any form."

"We are nearing the judgment," Ellen White reminds us, "and those who bear the message of warning to the world must have clean hands and pure hearts. They must have a living connection with God. The thoughts must be pure and holy, the soul untainted, the body, soul, and spirit be a pure, clean offering to God, or He will not accept it." --Testimonies to Ministers, p. 426.

If we would keep sin out of the camp we dare not take lightly the admonition the Lord gives us as His workers!

There Is Help for Us!

There is help for the worker of God who finds himself besieged in this wicked world: "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy" (Jude 24).

The One who has called us is able to keep us even under the most testing circumstances. He alone can keep sin out of the camp. Our only safe course is to "keep close to our great Leader" Jesus Christ (Testimonies to Ministers, p. 432). When all of our senses and emotions are under His control we are safe.

"Pray without ceasing," Paul admonishes (1 Thess. 5:17). The best way to keep sin out of the camp is to pray it away! The praying worker is seldom the straying worker!

May the Lord, by His grace, keep us pure and clean fit for the Master's service so that soon, very soon, we may lead a pure church, "not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing," through the gates of God and into His eternal kingdom where never again will there ever be sin in the camp!

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-president of the General Conference at the time this article was written

May 1975

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