As ADVENTIST ministers, we have a confession to make. We have neglected to a degree our duty of becoming more involved with ministers of other denominations. We have failed many times to communicate our concern and love for you and other shepherds not of our faith whether due to timidity or misunderstanding on the part of ail concerned is irrelevant at this point. Frankly, we desire to come out of our shell and share with you those things that we feel have been a blessing to us. After all, we have been the beneficiaries of ideas, methodologies, and truths developed by many of you and your fore fathers.
We are quite aware that not a few look upon us as an over-enthusiastic religious offshoot whose main burden is to honor the seventh-day Sabbath and to avoid smoking and eating pork. We make no apologies for supporting God's law in a lawless age or for being virtually untouched by lung cancer due to smoking.
We do apologize, however, for not making it abundantly clear that we believe in the magnificent truth of righteousness by faith alone in Christ Jesus; for our laxity in not being more friendly and open; for not taking the time to share with you, when permitted, our beliefs, many of which are partially or in full agreement with yours.
So, beginning with this issue THE MINISTRY is being sent to you, along with 25,000 other non-Adventist fellow ministers on an every-other-month basis for at least a year, perhaps longer.
The reason for your receiving our journal on a bimonthly basis is that those items which are of particular concern for the Adventist ministry will appear in the alternate issues.
What is THE MINISTRY? In 1928 when the magazine was launched, the objectives were stated as (1) deepening the spiritual life, (2) developing the intellectual strength, and (3) increasing the minister's soul-winning efficiency. First issued in digest size it was later enlarged. THE MINISTRY'S present circulation of 16,000 is about equally divided between North American and overseas subscribers.
The objectives listed above haven't been changed in the years since they were first stated, only broadened. For instance, the section dealing with health and religion was added about three years ago.
What's behind this giveaway program besides the obvious intention of eventually increasing our subscription base? Two things. In the first place, we share with you the desire to help lift the burden that is crushing the human race. This task requires a dedicated, efficient ministry. If this journal can help you be a better minister mentally, physically, and spiritually, we will at least have accomplished part of our goal.
We firmly believe, however, that the only lasting help for the problems of society has its roots in the atonement of Jesus Christ. We live in the crisis of the ages. Never have men known so much yet demonstrated so little moral strength. We are forced to acknowledge that human efforts alone are like plowing sand and watering fence posts. As wonderful and good as such attempts are they fail to heal the world's wounds.
The sacrifice our Saviour made on Calvary is the great truth around which all other truths cluster. Every truth from Genesis to Revelation must be studied in the brilliant light that streams from the cross. We want to do everything possible to help you, our fellow ministers, to uplift Him as the foundation of every sermon, talk, and prayer.
One way we may be able to help in this respect is to introduce you to one of the most widely circulated books in the world next to the Scriptures. It is a 100- page volume entitled Steps to Christ. Multiplied millions of copies in 102 languages have been scattered around our planet. Here is the thrilling story of salvation spelled out in most appealing and tender terms. We believe Steps to Christ is one of the greatest pieces of literature ever written on the subject of salvation. We feel so strongly about its value and place in Christian literature that it will be our pleasure to send you a copy of it just for the asking. We believe that its content will prove to be a great blessing to you in your ministry. Simply write to us and request this booklet.
Ours is a day of dialog, and we feel that it is not only a duty but a privilege to share with you our insights on pastoral and evangelistic methodology, Biblical exegesis, Biblical archeology and science as it relates to creationism and health.
We try to avoid complicated theology and sophisticated jargon. We believe that the best way to be contemporary is to preach eternal truth in a direct, positive, simple manner. It is our earnest prayer that this look over our shoulders will enhance both your life and ministry. What we are doing will either document your fears or dispel your illusions. We trust it will be the latter.