Grace for Obedience
THE FUNDAMENTAL doctrines of Scripture that guard against Satan's delusive last-day deceptions, including the standards that make the true Christian different from the worldling, are set forth in our Church Manual and appear on the certificates given to new converts at the time of their baptism. These are all founded on Scripture. Added emphasis given to them through the counsels of the Spirit of Prophecy is designed to help keep the remnant church on the right path to the kingdom. . .
Consider the Source
IN THE interest of the consumer the Federal Government is requiring manufacturers and producers to label their products. Food processors especially must tell the people what is in the package. Vitamins, minerals, calories, fat, and minimum daily requirements are what nutrition-minded homemakers are conscious of. Some even want to know whether it was organically grown. . .
Presenting the Case for Creation
WHEN THE disciple Thomas heard that Jesus had risen he would not believe it until he could see and touch the wounds in His hands and side (John 20: 24, 25). When Jesus appeared before Thomas and the other disciples eight days later, His words made it plain that those who have strong faith and can believe without seeing all the evidence gain a blessing from their strong faith. However, He also felt compassion for Thomas in his weakness, and showed him the evidence he had asked for (verses 26-29). . .
Why Continuing Education?
A PROFESSOR in the Harvard Medical School informed first-year medical students that half the information they would receive in medicine during their four years would be obsolete by the time they completed their degree. "The trouble is," he said, "we do not know which half.". . .
"She Is My Bookmaker"
ELLEN WHITE had many secretaries and helpers during her lifetime. Probably none of them was more highly appreciated than Marian Davis, who worked for her for twenty-five years, from 1879 to 1904. Miss Davis' special role was the organizing of Mrs. White's writings into books. . .
Malachi-the Message of "the Messenger"
THE BOOK of Nehemiah describes what was most likely the last great reformation among the people of Israel. As Nehemiah, with characteristic zeal, thought to purify the church from its wickedness, we are told that all Judah brought "the tithe of the corn and the new wine and the oil unto the treasuries" (Neh. 13:12). . .
Enlisting in the Armed Forces
NOTE: The following information is particularly pertinent to our readers in the U.S.A. However, others may share similar problems and will find the position being taken by the church in this matter helpful in evaluating the appropriate response that should be made to their specific situations. . .
Nazareth Attested in Caesarea Fragments
DURING the 1962 archeological campaign at Caesarea Maritima, 1 two gray marble fragments of a significant Hebrew inscription were found. . .
Peace on Earth?
WE ARE living at a time when many bow low before the throne of those seemingly magical words love and peace. Somehow these two words are used as if they were something new to be sought after, something the world has never desired before. . .
Behavioral Change in Health Education
ANY TYPE of education that requires behavioral change is extremely slow and difficult. In fact, in certain circumstances it might be labeled impossible. However, Adventists can take courage from the following. . .