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Monthly book reviews by Walton J. Brown and H.M.S. Richards

A Theology of Christian Education, Lawrence O. Richards,  Zondervan  Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1975, 324 pages, $8.95.

The title does  not refer directly to the teaching of the three R's in a school system. Dr. Richards uses the term "Christian education" to include  all  religious  instruction, especially  out  of  school, both  formal and informal. He outlines con tent  and  methods  by  which Biblical  principles  basic  to  the education  of  church  children, youth,  and  older  people  may  be come a vital process  of their spiritual  growth  and  continual  renewal.

He urges that a new concept of educational  effort  be  introduced into the church;  that the  present formal systems of Sunday schools, preaching  services,  evangelistic efforts, et cetera, be rethought and restructured,  moving  away  from one-way  instruction  by  a  leader to the involvement of all members in religious studies and activities.

He  does  refer  to  the  seminary preparation  of  the  ministry,  and relates  the  educational  process directly  to  disciplining,  but  feels that  more  emphasis  should  be given to instruction in the field by internships. As to the instruction of  children in the  faith, he urges that  parental  instruction  be  the primary consideration rather than formal  group  instruction.  This implies  shifting  the  focus  of  the church  to  the  qualifying  of  parents to carry on such a program.

Dr.  Richards  does  not  promote the  elimination  of  schools,  even Sunday  schools,  believing  that they still have their place in teaching facts and providing knowledge through an organized curriculum. The church itself, in its organization,  should endeavor more to involve the laity through its officers and  church  members  with  the minister.

Throughout  this  very  helpful and  stimulating  volume  Dr. Richards  gives the highest priority  to  the  Bible,  and  centers  all activities,  formal  or  informal, in Christ, the Saviour.

Walton J. Brown

Unfolding  Daniel's  Prophecies, R. A. Anderson, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, 1975,  192 pages, $2.95.

The  appearance  of  this book is extremely  important  since  it deals with the very fundamentals of the worldwide Adventist Movement. When the publishers of the paperback  volume  on  prophecy Unfolding  the  Revelation  invited the  author to  write  a  companion volume  on  the book  of  Daniel, it was  certainly  a  sobering  challenge.  While  Dr. R.  A.  Anderson, longtime  editor of THE MINISTRY, has  for half a century taught the book  of  Daniel in  colleges,  Semi nary, and large public evangelistic classes  around  the  world,  yet  to prepare studies that would appeal to  Seminary  and  college  Bible teachers,  as  well  as  to  students and the general  public, called for much  research  and  prayer.  Now we  can  be  thankful  that  he  has succeeded. No previous work from his  pen equals, in this reviewer's judgment,  this,  his  latest  book, either  in  content  or  in  literary style.  And  certainly  no  study  in the field of Bible prophecy is more timely than this work.

Readers  of  THE  MINISTRY  will appreciate the thorough research the author has made into the historical background of the prophet himself.  Anderson  opens  up  an area not often dealt with by those of  us who  preach  from this book. Daniel's  early  training  prepared him  educationally,  administratively,  and  spiritually  to  be come  the  prime  minister  of  two world  empires—Babylon  and Medo-Persia.  How  inspiring  and encouraging it must have been to those  Jewish exiles  to  know that one  of  their  own  fellow  captives was at the empire's headquarters.

Throughout  this  book  the  author lays a firm foundation in fascinating history, and every reader will  be  gripped  by  a  scholarly handling  of  the great prophecies. Chapters  eight  and  nine  come  in for special emphasis as  key chapters in the book. Here it is shown that Daniel places the Messiah in a prophetic setting different from all other Biblical writers. Following  principles  of  sound  exegesis, Anderson  shows the 70 weeks, or 490  years,  in  the  ninth  chapter, as  a  part  of  the  larger  prophecy of  the  2300  days,  or  years, introduced  in  chapter  eight.  He  also shows  the  fallacy  of  Futurism's attempt to separate the last week of the seventy from the first sixty- nine  weeks,  placing  it  after  the second advent of Christ.

Anderson's  handling  of  Daniel 9:27  is  superb  and  demands  special  attention.  In  a  fearless,  but kindly way this renowned teacher of prophecy moves into that much- discussed  and  perhaps  little-understood portion of this great book —Daniel  11:36-45.  He  suggests that it  seems  to  this reviewer to prove that the prophet was visioning a much wider movement than is  usually presented.

Anderson sees in the worldwide movements  of  our  day  a remark able  suggestion of the fulfillment of  both Daniel  11  and Revelation 17.  The dissolute "woman" riding the "scarlet-coloured beast" might certainly  have  a  wider  meaning than is sometimes given—perhaps a  prophetic  picture  of  coming world  government  and  its  ultimate collapse? The  angel Gabriel told Daniel,  "He shall come to his end, and none shall help him," at which time Michael stands up for His people.

Many new facts of prophecy being  fulfilled  in  current  history come to sharp focus in this appealing  and  informative  book.  The author wisely urges that we tread softly  in  all  areas  of  unfulfilled prophecy,  yet  he  stresses the importance of a deeper study of these great  prophecies  which  throw  so much  light  on  today's  world.  I highly  recommend  Unfolding Daniel's Prophecies as a truly up- to-date and scholarly analysis. 

H. M.  S. Richards

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Monthly book reviews by Walton J. Brown and H.M.S. Richards

March 1976

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