YOU have learned how exercise makes you look better, feel
better, live and serve better. You are really enthusiastic
about it and want to get in shape, but you just don't know
how to begin. You ask yourself, What are the rules? What kind of
exercise is best for me? How much, how long, and how often should I
These questions deserve serious and valid answers.
There is exercise—and exercise. Meditative walks and light gardening may be enjoyed for hours. These exercises are beneficial in that they refresh soul, mind, and body. Problems are faced and solved and often wise decisions made. There are also the vigorous recreational activities like skiing, and the taxing, intense marathons. Then there is physical labor. Many prefer these as not only adding strength to the body but providing some tangible reward, something additionally worth while that is accomplished.
Popular today, and of great value in our sedentary society, is cardiovascular conditioning exercise, specifically designed for each individual, to-keep his heart, lungs, and blood vessels in as healthy a condition as possible. It puts him to the stretch for a short time daily or almost daily, and gets the most cardiovascular fitness possible out of the least time. It is invaluable, and most of this article will be concerned with it. But it cannot and should not be expected to fulfill all of your exercise needs.
As a rule, adults contemplating a cardiovascular-training exercise pro gram are advised to obtain medical clearance from their physician before they begin. Previously unrecognized disease conditions could present a serious problem unless they are properly treated. However, if you are under 35 or are free of shortness of breath, high blood pressure, palpitation, and chest pain either at rest or during exercise, and have a yearly physical examination, you are probably in shape to begin.
What kind for you?
Any cardiovascular training exercise regimen should include a warming-up period, an aerobic or vigorous activity period, and a cooling-down period.
Warming-up activities include calisthenics and muscle toning exercise such as head rotation, shoulder rotation, side body bends, forward trunk bends with knees slightly flexed, bent-knee pushups, bent-knee situps, side leg raises. The purpose of these exercises is to improve muscle tone and prepare muscles and joints for the more vigorous aerobic phase that follows. They prevent stiffness and promote flexibility, and should be performed slowly, smoothly, and without force or jerky movements.
Aerobic activities include walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming. Many prefer vigorous productive kinds of exercise like vigorous gardening, chop ping wood, and, yes, even shoveling snow or cutting the lawn with a hand- powered mower. A few sports may be used with some benefit to supplement your program. Most beginners should condition themselves by walking, swimming, or cycling before jogging, running, or engaging in very vigorous sports or such heavy work as chopping wood or shoveling snow.
Cooling down is usually accomplished by slowing your aerobic activity or by calisthenics.
Determining a safe level of effort is perhaps the most important element of a cardiovascular training program for adults. The best monitor of the intensity of your aerobic activity is your heart rate. It tells whether you are exercising too much or too little for this effect, or whether you are working within your prescribed safe level.
Wear a wrist watch with a second hand. Periodically, after three to four minutes of steady exercise, stop, and immediately take your pulse for six seconds and multiply by ten to get your heart rate per minute. It should be within the THR range. Do not exceed your upper limit. After several weeks of conditioning you begin to notice a drop in your resting heart rate. This means that your body is getting conditioned. It is, of course, very important to stay within the lower limits of the THR during the first three months of your conditioning program.
Start your program slowly and progress gradually. For example, walk four weeks at a moderate pace. Stride four weeks at a brisk pace. If you decide to jog, walk-jog four weeks before you jog continuously. Keep within your THR regardless of the type of activity. It is normal for some people not to attain their THR during the walking phase of their program. The walking phase, how ever, is important in preparation for the more intensive phase of jogging, and must not be eliminated.
Some prefer to limit their exercise to walking or some such moderate activity. Brisk walking will produce all the desired effects of jogging if the duration, frequency, and intensity are adequate, i.e., 45 minutes of brisk walking at least five times per week.
It is better to exercise before a meal than right afterwards. Wait at least two hours after eating (one hour is sufficient after a light meal).
To wrap it all up—
Don't neglect frequent, longer periods of moderate physical exercise while you also improve your soul and mind. Al ways start your vigorous cardiovascular exercise with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. Choose an activity that you enjoy. Determine your THR range and stay within it for 20-30 minutes. Exercise at least three times a week. Observe proper precautions. Stay with it and reap the great rewards of (1) looking better by controlling your weight, firing up your muscles, and improving your posture; (2) feeling better by enhancing your self-image and brightening your outlook on life; (3) living and serving better by slowing physiological aging, restoring youthful vigor, relieving tension and fatigue, and enjoying your work, family, and friends.