Edwin Ludescher is president of the Euro-Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

PAUL DIRECTED the Corinthians' attention to the exemplary generosity of the Macedonian churches. In order to prevent misunderstandings, Paul indicated at the beginning the source from which sprang this spontaneous and surprising liberality of the believers in Macedonia: "We want you to know, brethren, about the grace of God which has been shown in the churches of Macedonia" (2 Corinthians 8:1, R.S.V.).

Wherever people allow the grace of God to work on them, wherever they make room for it in their hearts, astonishing things happen. The working of the grace of God is not dependent upon exterior circumstances and factors, but upon the interior, spiritual condition of the human heart, and the readiness to be governed by it. The example of the believers of Macedonia is the best evidence for this:

"For in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of liberality on their part. For they gave ac cording to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own free will, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints" (verses 2-4).

Severe affliction, but, at the same time, an abundance of joy, extreme poverty, but, simultaneously, a wealth of liberality—this is not the way "natural man" behaves.

Here is the secret of Christian sacrifice and giving. The believers in Macedonia first "gave themselves to the Lord" (verse 5).

On the last Sabbath of the Week of Prayer (November 6) an appeal will be directed to Adventists everywhere to present a special offering to the Lord as an expression of our gratitude, of our surrender, and of our dedication. Last year the Week of Sacrifice offering amounted to $1,834,000 for the world field. This year let us first give ourselves to the Lord, and then again our abundance of joy will overflow in a wealth of sacrifice and liberality.

Edwin Ludescher is president of the Euro-Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

November 1976

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