MANY TYPES of individuals pass through the doors of your church each Sabbath morning, and Life and Health can minister effectively to each of them.
You, of course, teach your members that their bodies are to be temples for the Holy Ghost and that their responsibility to their Creator is to care for themselves in the best possible way. Natural laws, such as the laws of health, are every bit as divine as the Ten Commandments. The people in your church need the latest information on how to prevent disease and maintain optimum health. The better one's health, the more pronounced the sense of vitality and well-being, the easier it is to live for Christ.
HEALTH PROFESSIONALS—Much of the health-related material on the market today is strictly faddist in nature, some of it even detrimental. The health professional in your congregation will appreciate a journal that is scientifically accurate and that can be placed with confidence in the hands of a patient.
HOMEMAKERS—The homemaker will find information in Life and Health to meet family health needs. Youngsters can learn how the human body functions and how it can best be taken care of. Articles on simple home treatments can be filed away until a specific need arises. And then there are those delicious recipes.
LAY EVANGELISM—Life and Health is very much an evangelistic journal. In fact, it is often the very first contact in effective soul winning. Jesus first ministered to the people's physical needs; when their confidence in Him had been established, then He bade them, "Follow me." If those we want to see in the kingdom are bound by prejudice, a bridge of understanding can be built with our wonderful health message. Once they discern our sincere interest in their physical well-being, their hearts will be open to a fuller revelation of truth.
EDUCATORS—Throughout our nation's school systems, educators are be ginning to realize that true education includes a concern for the health of our young people. Life and Health is proving to be a valuable aid in showing the importance of sound health principles. A monthly Teacher's Guide is available to assist the educator in using the health journal in the classroom.
YOUTH—As perhaps never before, young people are showing an interest in good health. They will find material in Life and Health they can grasp, along with special sections designed particularly for them, such as "Accent on Youth" and "Children's Corner." Help the young people in your congregation to develop health habits that will prepare them for a lifetime of service.
Recently Life and Health initiated a program whereby some particularly important facet of health is stressed over the period of a year. Each monthly issue contains one or more major articles on the topic in question. In a year's time, the subject is covered thoroughly and is then readily available for review. Here is what we have done previously, what we are dealing with just now, and what we plan for the future:
1976 Physiology of the Human Body
1977 Nutrition
1978 Mental Health
As a pastor you recognize the importance of the topic chosen for the coming year. Make sure the members of your congregation will have available to them this vital information coming from the pens of the denomination's leading authorities in the field of mental health.