Why Not Use the Net Too?
Kindness is the dessert that tops off all other evangelistic methods.
We Dare Not Disappoint Them!
When I read the letters and listen to the personal appeals of church members, a great burden rests on my heart.
What Is the Biblical View of the Laity?
With such potential in the rank-and-file membership of our churches, why have we not employed them more fully?
Speak With Care
We must guard against saying anything that might be interpreted as casting contempt on, or discriminating against, others' culture, worship, or past and present history.
Fidelity-a Commandment
But sometimes it seems that it is even in short supply within the church.
Are the Natural and the Supernatural the Same?
It is essential to the well-being of the universe that natural processes operate in regular ways.
Church Growth Through the Family-Life Center
Specific instructions on how to organize a family-lifecenter in your church.
Evangelism and Finishing the Work
This article is a condensation of the North American Division report presented at the 1977 Annual Council by Elder Neal C. Wilson.