The People in the Parsonage
The people in your parsonage are the most important people of all to you. Here are some suggestions for keeping them that way.
Patterns of SDA Church Growth in North America
A study of 3,217 members in 28 churches across the Lake Union indicates common denominators for both church and individual growth.
Why don't the editors of Ministry have more to say on the current discussions regarding the nature of Christ and righteousness by faith? Where do you stand on these issues?
Marriage—A Quaint Ceremony From the Past?
Isn't tracing "I love you" in wet sand with the big toe of the right foot enough of a ceremony, if a couple is really in love?
The Numbers Syndrome
Symptoms of this ancient disorder are not lacking in the church today. Watch for questions like, "How many baptisms?" and "How much money?"
Unevangelized Cities
Cities . . . thousands of them. . . . People by the millions. . . . People ignorant of God's message for our day. But there is a way they could be reached.
Redating the New Testament
Bishop John A. T. Robinson, the man who wrote "Honest to God," now comforts the conservatives.