Madonna of the Sawdust Trail
For all the rigors she endured, the evangelist's wife of yesteryear deserves a memorial.
How to prepare effective Biblical sermons
The preaching task is not simply one among the pastor's many duties; it is the very heart of his work.
Up and down—but seldom across
A communications network is essential to the church, yet why must the information flow ...
The narrowness of Jesus
The confining limits Jesus imposed upon Himself and His work gave Him power, just as a river gains force through a narrow chasm.
When Christians disagree
Quarrels in the early Christian church tell us that the apostles were human. They also tell us how we may best handle disagreements in the church today.
Love is not enough
A marriage cannot succeed on optimism and romance alone. There must be basic agreement in a hundred areas—especially religion.
From the Editor
What Assurance of Salvation Can a Seventh-day Adventist Christian Have? Should he depend on self? on Christ? or a combination?
Science and Religion
How Old Is the Earth? Radiometric dating suggests an age of 4.5 billion years, but how reliable are the underlying assumptions?
Biblical Archeology
Life in an Old Testament Town. How did the average person live? What kind of house did he have? How did he work?