Caring for new converts
During 1977 approximately three persons left the Adventist Church for every ten persons who joined. The solution to such excessive losses, says the author, is to stop trying to determine who is at fault, and develop an attitude of caring for the new convert.
A basis for Christian counseling
The same God who has shown such deep concern for man spiritually and physically is just as interested in him mentally and emotionally.
Creed, authority and freedom
To what extent can a church Biblically require conformity to its understanding of doctrine?
Memorial of the cross
The Lord's Supper is a kind of looking glass for all Christian teaching, pulling the past and the future into the focus of the present.
From the Editor
P.R.E.A.C.H. Report and Appeal. Continuing relationships with clergy of all faiths is proving to be mutually advantageous.
Biblical Archeology
New Thinking in the World of Archeology. Scholars at the recent meetings in New Orleans air some of their latest findings.
Science and Religion
The Billion-dollar Question. Is there life on Mars? The United States Government spent a billion dollars to find out.