Every pastor wants his congregation to remember his sermons. But how much does a person remember after 72 hours?

According to a study by Thomas W. Hope Research, Inc., the percentage may not be very high. Only 35 percent of what a person hears is retained for as long as 72 hours. Only 55 percent of what one sees is remembered that long. But when sight and sound are put together, three days later the average per son remembers nearly 70 percent!

Today's electronic media appeal to both sight and hearing. That's why they are highly effective and why their use is growing rapidly.

How can you make best use of this burgeoning technology to get your mes sage across to people and ensure that much of it will be understood and remembered?

That's an urgent challenge during this age when so much assaults our senses. To help meet that challenge, the General Conference established the Adventist Audio-Visual Ministry (AAVM), now one of the components in the SDA Radio, Television, and Film Center in Newbury Park, California.

AAVM's mission is to utilize today's advanced media technology so that ministers and laity will be better equipped to preach the gospel memorably. The following are some of the audio visual tools already available for pastoral and evangelistic use:

1. A multimedia super-slide kit of 1,200 slides. Scores of pastors and evangelists are already using this set to attract audiences and to illustrate sermons and studies more effectively. This slide set brings together much of the inspiring Biblical art produced by Adventist artists. It also illustrates church history, prophecy, and some modern topics.

2. Encounter—a set of twenty Christ-centered studies in full color, either in filmstrip, slides, or LaBelle cartridges. Each study is from 18 to 20 minutes long, with 70 or 80 frames or slides. A cassette with audible or inaudible beeps accompanies each study. (Printed study guides for each lesson are also available through the General Conference Lay Activities Department.) Designed for both pastors and laity, Encounter uses some of the church's best art and photography. More than 4,500 sets are al ready in use, greatly increasing the number of home and group Bible studies being conducted.

The Spanish version of Encounter has also been released. Called Encuentro, it follows the same thematic outline as the English version. But much of the photography is new, using mostly Latin American people and scenes.

3. Biblical archeology. The seven churches of Revelation, journeys of Paul, and other sets on Bible lands are ready in both filmstrip and slide form.

4. Astronomy—breathtaking slides or filmstrips illustrating Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God."

5. Film rental. A variety of 16-mm sound films is available directly from AAVM's film library. There are films on nature, famous lives, travel, health, history, and children's interests and other topics.

6. Film purchase. AAVM produces sound films that are available either for rent or purchase. The latest is a 28-minute film, "Orders to Angels," a thrilling presentation of the seven churches of Revelation. You may also request a brochure describing other films.

7. Textual slides covering 950 texts of the Old Testament and an equal number of New Testament texts come in convenient metal cases ready for your personal selection.

8. Individual slides. AAVM has on hand more than 2,900 slides on Biblical, doctrinal, and other topics. You can order any number of these from AAVM's slide catalogue.

9. Audio Cassette Albums. These Spirit of Prophecy books or selections are ideal for home or car. Now available are Christ's Object Lessons, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, The Ministry of Healing, and Steps to Christ.

10. Programs in production. Nearing completion is a four-part slide series on the history of the Adventist Church. This is ideal for introducing fri2nds to the unique heritage of the Advent Movement, as well as inspiring church members. Also near completion is a six-part series on stewardship. Scheduled for completion by mid-1979 is Encounter II, a ten-study, audio-visual series on Daniel and Revelation. Being planned is a five-part series entrust services. Other series are also scheduled for the near future.

The Adventist Audio-Visual Ministry is filling a vital need in the church's outreach. The personnel of AAVM are dedicated to helping you meet your audio-visual needs. Address your inquiries and requests for catalogues to: Adventist Audio-Visual Ministry, 1100 Rancho Conejo Boulevard, Newbury Park, California 91320. Or you may phone (805) 498-4561.

April 1979

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Creed, authority and freedom

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P.R.E.A.C.H. Report and Appeal. Continuing relationships with clergy of all faiths is proving to be mutually advantageous.

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New Thinking in the World of Archeology. Scholars at the recent meetings in New Orleans air some of their latest findings.

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The Billion-dollar Question. Is there life on Mars? The United States Government spent a billion dollars to find out.

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Medical Priorities and the Nature of Man. A surgeon says doctors have accepted society's evaluation of man's needs.

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