Breath of Life in Washington, D.C.

Evangelistic meetings conducted by General Conference personnel result in hundreds baptized.

By the editors.
The historic and elegant Warner Theatre in Washington, D.C., seats 2,000 persons, but on several occasions the doors had to be locked to prevent overcrowding during the C. D. Brooks evangelistic campaign, October 20 through November 18, 1978. Brooks, together with local pastors, had searched diligently, but unsuccessfully, for a more suitable location, the Warner Theatre being in the downtown business district with its difficult and costly parking arrangements. However, the Lord revealed His marvelous power, and some 270 persons were baptized at the close of the series, with many more having been added since.

Brooks is speaker on the Breath of Life television program, viewed in various cities of America, and the series was conducted under the sponsorship of the Breath of Life organization. As a result of the meetings, a new congregation has been organized in the Washington, D.C., area with both Robert H. Pierson and Neal C. Wilson, former and current presidents, respectively, of the General Conference, on hand for the organizational ceremonies. Among the new members are medical doctors, schoolteachers, ministers, and others who will provide a strong foundation for continued growth.

Both laity and pastors of the Washington, D.C., churches played a vital role in the success of the program. Luther R. Palmer, president of the Allegheny East Conference, conducted the training program for laity and workers, who made thousands of personal contacts and distributed handbills. Edward Richardson, pastor of the First church, served as general coordinator, and Robert Willis, of the DuPont Park church, was associate evangelist. A corps of nine Bible workers gave faithful service.

Interest in the physical well-being of the community was also evident in a free medical monitoring service designed to detect warning signals for such health problems as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. A medical staff of several doctors and nurses under the direction of Dr. Lennox Westney, prominent city physician, manned this feature of the program. Hundreds of persons were screened in the large medical van of the DuPont Park church, that stood at the theater entrance.

From opening moment to closing night, the Breath of Life series throbbed with activity. Under the leadership of Walter Arties, soloist, and Shelton Kilby, music director, a wide range of musical talent added beauty and depth to the meetings. An informative part of each program was the question-and-answer period conducted by Pastor Brooks. Frequently the audience would burst into spontaneous applause upon hearing the straightforward, forceful presentation of truth.

The lives of thousands in the Washington, D.C., area will never be the same as a result of being touched by God's Spirit.

By the editors.

June 1979

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