Preaching from Job
This book has been apotheosized, crystalized, and mummified——but deep insights await the one who is willing to dig for the treasures buried there.
Is Jesus a friend or a doctrine?
No matter how carefully formulated, propositional truth is at best a cold, lifeless corpse without the quickening spirit of a personal relationship.
2, 000 Baptized!
Laymen and ministers in El Salvador unite in the most productive evangelistic effort in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
How to be yourself and a pastor
A pastor needs the personal confidence to say, "I can do a number of jobs well, but God has called me to the ministry and humbly I accept the challenge."
The Royal Touch
"The greatest honor a man can receive is conferred by a touch on the heart."
Authority in the church
The local congregation is the most visible manifestation of the body of Christ, and the church is the depository of authority."
Seeds in the air
James David Chase and Jere Wallack take a second look at local radio evangelism, examining some of the reasons pastors are not on the air.
From the Editor
Response and Reaction to Elder Wilson's "Open Letter." MINISTRY summarizes comments from readers and analyzes them.