Every Member a Minister? From Baptism to a Theological Base
Jesus' own baptism is the prototype of every believer's baptism. One of the implications of that fact is the concept that at baptism the Christian is equipped for the work of ministry.
Every Member a Minister? From Theology to Church Reality
The typical church member does not identify himself as a minister or know how to fulfill ministry in his daily life.
The Future of the Adventist Ministry
Maintaining the faith during last-day crises will be a function of men of the Word who relate the deep things of God to the needs and concerns of their flock.
How the E.G. White Books were Written—5
This concluding article of the series features a statement in 1933 by D. E. Robinson, who for many years was a secretary for Mrs. White and on the staff of the White Publications. Based on his personal experience, observation, and documentary research, Elder Robinson describes the work done by himself and others in working with Mrs. White to prepare her works for publication. ——Editors
Annual Council Highlights
A review of those actions that have special interest for pastors.
Response to an Open Letter
The president of the General Conference replies to the editor's December editorial.
Dame Kathleen
A great Biblical archeologist is gone, but her influence continues to contribute to the discipline she loved.
Directing People to Help
The wise pastor knows he is not capable of meeting every need of every person.
Faith and the Flood
Is the Genesis Flood Important to Christian Belief? This author definitely feels that it is and tells why he thinks so.