China report
Despite difficulties, Christianity in China is alive and even flourishing with a zeal and intensity that many Christians in the West could wish for themselves.
"Time robbers and how to stop them"
Because few ministers punch a time clock or account to any other person for their time, they are easy targets. Here's how to fight back!
Washington for Jesus—really?
An increasingly influential segment within Christianity seeks to use political power to "turn the nation back to Jesus." Perhaps its members ought to ask themselves, "What would He do with it if He had it?
United We Fall
Jesus' prayer that we all be one didn't mean we all have to vote the same way.
Feed Yourself First
Without devotional time for feeding his own soul, the preacher will soon be scraping the bottom of an empty barrel.
A Tale of Two Churches
A pastor sits in a pew at two different churches on one Sunday morning and comes away with some things to think about.
The Three Angels of the Apocalypse—4
All true worship is based on loyalty to God's commands, and nothing can take the place of absolute obedience to His will.
Shepherds of the Mind
The minister, backed by the gospel's power and warmth, is a part of the healing process for emotional and mental problems.
Jerusalem Water Systems
MINISTRY notes the one-hundredth anniversary of the discovery of Hezekiah's water-tunnel inscription.
Preparing for Widowhood
Apart from the personal tragedy, widowhood means facing immediate, complicated decisions that will affect you for years to come.