
The delay of the Advent

Adventists have traditionally taught that the coming of Jesus is very near. But how long can the end of time be very near? Passing time causes us to ask, Is there not a delay, and what should be our reaction to it?

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Not alone

He sat unsmiling, pensive, absorbed in a pattern of thoughts that were his and his alone. He was too young to wear such a somber mask. And then I noticed his eyes. Something in his eyes jarred me!

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The high cost of evangelism

The church must be willing to pay the price if it is to have success in soul winning. But the price involves more than dollars and cents. It costs blood, sweat, and tears. There are no shortcuts, no easy, painless methods of saving souls. Even God Himself found evangelism to be expensive, but decided it was worth the price. Can we do less?

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My telescope

In the years since our church was founded, many sincere believers have had questions regarding the role of Ellen White as a modern-day prophet and the relationship of her writings to Scripture. Here Mrs. S. M. I. Henry, a contemporary of Mrs. White and a nationally known temperance lecturer prior to her baptism, shares her personal struggle to understand these issues. The result, she says, was a most beautiful experience something like what Galileo must have felt with his first telescope.

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Millions of city dwellers are safely ensconced in high-rise apartment buildings. Evangelizing these "vertical villages" may call for some rather unorthodox methods. You may not agree with the author's proposal, but it will undoubtedly stimulate your thinking.

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Beautifying baptismal services

Have you ever conducted a wedding between Sabbath school and the church service? Why, then should an event as significant as baptism be made so unobtrusive? Isn't it important to have a beautiful ceremony when uniting an individual to Christ and His church?

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"By my spirit"

Dear Lord, thank You for these words, although I'm not sure I understand them. What do You really mean when You say, "by my spirit"? I know I cannot rely on myself, but don't You want me to have some self-confidence?

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Anticipating heaven's music

The future of every Christian is destined to be filled with the sound of music. Those who sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb while standing on the sea of glass will have prepared by developing a musical taste here on earth that will make the songs of heaven enjoyable. The days of the world's music are numbered.

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Attitudes and Behavior

We now know that attitudes unquestionably influence behavior, although the influence is more subtle and specific than was first believed. But does behavior have an influence on attitudes?

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Light and life

Did you know that mums need more than ten hours of uninterrupted darkness a night or they wont bloom? And that older people need more sunlight than younger people? We have much yet to learn about sunlight.

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