How Churches Grow
Within the same denomination, some local congregations are growing while others are not. Why? A recent scientific sampling of white, black, and Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist churches across North America indicates some expected (and some unexpected) factors that definitely influence how a church grows.
Sharing the ministry
Pastors need to teach both by example and word that ministry is not some optional phase of Christian living. A church may have only one pastor, but every member is a minister sharing responsibility with leadership.
Why so few successes?
With a shelf full of books on how to handle all kinds of difficult problems, why does a pastor find nothing but successful examples in the books and so few in his own ministry?
Israel and the church
Does the New Testament represent the church as the new "Israel," the only heir to God's present and future covenant blessings, or does it keep Israel separate and distinct from the church?
I believe in Jesus Christ
Raoul Dederen continues the series "This We Believe" with an examination of the central belief of the Christian faith—Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, Creator, Redeemer, and Lord of lords.
The devotional life of Brother Lawrence
The influence of a seventeenth-century Carmelite lay brother who practiced the presence of Christ reaches down into our day.
Help for the sight and hearing impaired
The United Nations has designated 1981 as the International Year of Disabled Persons. Since 1899 an unusual organization, the Christian Record Braille Foundation, has expressed its Christian concern by providing devotional materials for the blind and deaf.
Is your 'pick-me-up' letting you down?
That cup of coffee so many need in order to get going in the morning may be doing more than just getting the eyes open. In fact, the long list of health problems coffee seemingly causes is a real eye-opener.