Rightly handling the Word of Truth
Emphasizing only one aspect of a Biblical truth will result in a distorted picture. Arthur J. Ferch pointedly describes the responsibility of the preacher to present God's Word in a balanced manner that takes into consideration all phases of truth.
Thinkers v. doers?
Church history reminds us that there has traditionally been an uneasy truce between theologians and pastors. Recent events in our own church indicate that theologians must not work out their theology in isolation from the "real world" of the church, nor must pastors become dependent on theologians for ready made packages of theology.
What is sacrifice?
If sacrifice means the giving of things, then a total sacrifice would mean a zero balance. But giving everything we have would place us in the position of having nothing, of being worthless to others.
Prophetic ministry
The Biblical prophet made a significant impact on his society both by word and deed. Should not God's twentieth-century spokesmen also have a similar impact on their surroundings? A closer look at the prophetic model of ministry provides us with a pattern worth emulating.
Harnessing volunteer evangelists
Standing back and letting lay members stumble through an evangelistic series may be difficult for pastors, but a "hands-on" approach to learning soul winning is the most effective. W. B. Quigley interviewed Brad Thorp, British Columbia Conference evangelist, and found this theory being put to the test there.
Securing decisions at camp
Faced with the quandary of wanting to make a call for campers to surrender their lives to Christ, yet knowing the problems of peer pressure, the author came up with a simple, but effective, solution.
Decision or rationalization?
Because of the pressures brought to bear by competing special-interest groups, the church leader today is tempted to yield to rationalization in arriving at decisions. But the honest administrator or church pastor must have reasons for each position he takes, based on objective evaluation and divine guidance. Then he must courageously go forward.
Concerns of 24 pastors
In March, twenty-four pastors met with church officials in Washington, D.C., to express the concerns of the local pastor. Although they came from different types of churches, their ideas were remarkably similar.
Health-giving doctrine
Personal faith, when put into practice, should produce a life that is characterized in psychological terms as "healthy" and "whole-making." Religious principles and sound mental health go hand in hand.
Elephantine papyri and Daniel 8:14
Was Artaxerxes decree to rebuild Jerusalem given in the year 457 B.C.? Some old papyri, stored in the bottom of a trunk until 1 947, provide helpful information regarding the beginning of the 2300 days/years.