Recommended Reading

These books approach human sexuality and homosexuality from the viewpoint of clinicians, counselors, and theologians. All are in print and will provide the reader with a broad basis for understanding.

Monthly book reviews by various authors.

The Bond That Breaks: Will Homosexuality Split the Church?

Don Williams, Regal, 1978, $4.95, paper.

The Broken Image

Leanne Payne, Cornerstone Books, 1980, $4.95, paper.

Changing Homosexuality in the Male

Lawrence Hatterer, McGraw-Hill, 1970.

A Christian View of Homosexuality

John Drakeford, Broadman Press, 1977, $2.95, paper.

The Church and Homosexuality—a Positive Answer to the Current Debate

Michale Green, David Holloway, David Watson, Hodder and Stoughton, 1980 The Church's Responsibility to Homosexual Persons Karatana, Inc., 1978.

Forgiven Love

Barbara Tramp, Jeremy Books, 1979, $2.25, paper.

The Gay Theology

Kent Philpott, Logos Int., 1977, $2.50, paper.

The Goals of Human Sexuality

Irving Singer, Schocken, 1974, $2.25, paper.

The Gospel and the Gay

Kenneth Gangel, Thomas Nelson, 1978, 200 pages, $3.95.

The H Persuasion: How Persons Have Permanently Changed From Homosexuality Through the Study of Aesthetic Realism With Eli Siegel Sheldon

Kranz, ed., Definition Press, New York, 1971, $4.95/2.50.

Healing of Persons

Paul Tournier, Harper and Row, 1965, $8.95.

Homosexual Crisis in the Mainline Church: A Presbyterian Minister Speaks Out

Jerry R. Kirk, Thomas Nelson, 1978, $3.95, paper.

The Homosexual Way: A Christian Option?

David Field, InterVarsity Press, 1979, $1.95, paper.


Homosexuality: A Biblical View

Greg L. Bahnsen, Baker, 1978, $4.95.


Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study

Irving Bieber, Basic Books, 1962, $17.00.

Homosexuality: A Symbolic Confusion, 2d ed.

Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse, Seabury, 1979, $4.95, paper.

Homosexuality and the Christian Faith

Harold L. Twiss, ed., Judson, 1978, $3.95, paper.

Homosexuality and the Church

Richard Lovelace, Revel, 1978, $6.95.

Homosexuality in Perspective

William H. Masters and Virginia Johnson, Little, 1979, $19.95.

Male and Female: Christian Approaches to Sexuality

Ruth T. Barnhouse and Urban T. Holmes, Seabury, 1976, $4.95, paper.

The Moral Teaching of Paul

Victor Furnish, Abingdon Press, 1979, $4.95, paper.

Out of the Closet Into the Light

Michael Munger, Pacific Press, 1980, $3.50

The Returns of Love: A Christian View of Homosexuality

Alex Davidson, InterVarsity Press, 1977, $2.50, paper.

Sexuality and Homosexuality: A New View

Amo Karlen, Norton, 1971, $15.00.

Such Were Some of You

Kevin Linehan, Herald Press, 1979, $5.95, paper.

The Ten Commandments for Today

William Barclay, Harper &. Row, 1977, 208 pages, $7.95.

Theology and Ethics of Sex

Sakae Kubo, Review and Herald, 1980, $4-95.

The Third Sex?

Kent Philpott, Logos, 1975, $2.50, paper.

To Understand Each Other

Paul Tournier, John Knox, 1967, $3.50; 1976, $1.25, paper.

The Undiscovered Self

C. G. Jung, Little, 1958, $2.95; New American Library, Menter Books, 1974, $1.25.

Whatever Became of Sin?

Karl Menniger, Dutton, 1973, $8.95/ $4.95; Bantam, 1978, $2.50, paper.

What You Should Know About Homosexuality

Charles Keysor, ed., Zondervan, 1979, $4.95, paper.

When You Are Concerned With Homosexuality

Alfred Messer, Abbey Press, 96 pages, $1.95, paper.

Monthly book reviews by various authors.

September 1981

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