A prior claim
The church must give unprecedented priority to evangelism for the same reason living persons must give priority to breathing! Without breath we cannot live; without evangelism the church cannot live!
Bradford on evangelism
Will public evangelism work in the North American Division? We got a resounding Yes from C. E. Bradford in a recent interview. Methods must be adapted, but evangelism is alive and well in the NAD.
From despair to destiny
From a small group of disappointed Millerites, we have grown to a worldwide church numbered in the millions. Yet our evangelistic purpose is the same as that of the pioneers heralding the soon return of Jesus.
Inter-America in action
Inter-America has accepted the One Thousand Days of Reaping challenge and by Gods grace plans to baptize 200 persons per day for a total of 200,000, or 20 percent of the world goal.
Small churches can grow
If you are the pastor of a church of less than one hundred members and have concluded that your church is doomed to stay small, read this article, It will convince you that small churches can grow.
How much is it worth?
In man's eyes, a human soul is sometimes worth very little. What is a soul worth in the eyes of God? Do we appreciate and understand the price that Heaven paid?
You can do public evangelism!
Do you avoid holding your own public meetings, leaving that task up to the conference evangelist or some other substitute?
Preparing for public meetings
Church members can do more than attend your evangelistic meetings and take up the offering! By their witnessing they can increase baptisms and help ensure that these new members will be around years later.
Small-group evangelism
As society becomes increasingly impersonal, people seem to crave an understanding and acceptance based on close association with a few people. In the church, such groups can both nurture and evangelize.